I do.
The better question is this: How does trying to make Biden lose the primary in Michigan help the people in Gaza?
I do.
The better question is this: How does trying to make Biden lose the primary in Michigan help the people in Gaza?
Right… Because there is another real choice in this race.
The orange con-man is even friendlier to Israel and would help to escalate this tragedy.
I don’t like the choices either, but the one that isn’t Biden is so much worse!
Okay, fine. Sure. Now impeach every single one of those cowardly mutherfuckers who voted against the border bill last week!
And Democrats! Stop standing so much on your principles and call these mutherfuckers out for this shit! Repeat it endlessly until it sinks into the public mindset!
On an episode of BBC’s: Planet Earth I saw an eagle grab a small goat, carry it off a cliff, and dropped it. Effective to be sure and kind of clever for the bird, but terrifying to watch.
You only need a key to activate Windows. Windows 10 and later will install and run just fine without activation.
Not to worry. Before it explodes, our sun will expand into a red giant much larger than the orbit of the Earth.
No one on Earth will be around to witness the explosion. So we have that going for us, which is nice.
I’ve got fifty cents that says this dude watches an extraordinary amount of gay porn and somehow he thinks that is shameful. It isn’t, but he thinks it is.
I have thought something similar for a while. The number of robocalls and survey calls we get on our landline phone outnumber the calls we get from friends and family something like 10 to 1. At this point, if we don’t recognize the number, we don’t answer it. Most everyone I know does the same thing. So there is an entire swath of people who never answer these polls and are not represented.
I’m also suspicious of any news suggesting that Arab and Palestinian Americans are going to vote for Trump because of what is happening in the Middle East. As bad as it is for Palestine right now, I believe it will be so much worse under Trump.
If you have a vacuum bag sealer, you could make some custom bags that hold two eggs or more, crack the eggs into the bag (a wide-mouth funnel helps), vacuum out most of the air and seal them. Lay them flat during the initial freeze and they will store great!
I use it to control some of the lights in my house. WiFi enabled plugs and switches are more convenient than having to go to each one and manually reprogram them. In my bedroom, I have one set to turn on every day at 7am and again at 9am in case I turn it off and go back to bed. It’s basically a silent alarm clock.
I also have WiFi control for the mini-split (AC and heat) in my workshop. I can view the set temperature vs the actual temperature from my phone and I can adjust the temperature remotely if I want.
Those red hats do seem to have a “mark of the beast” flair to them. They aren’t the permanent mark indicated in Revelation 13:16, but I think if you wear it every day it may as well be.
I’m not a Christian, but his followers certainly are. I wonder how they don’t see it?
American citizens who reside in one state are not the property of that state and cannot be prohibited from traveling to other states. Case closed.
I would expect that the wheel shaft has a flange or maybe some knurling on it to prevent it from coming loose. You will probably need to drill it out. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, you will learn a lot about how things are made. I also expect that this will end with you buying a new castor or a new suitcase.
The main character is an unemployed mathematician with schizoid personality disorder whose social interactions are mostly with his old professor and the people in his apartment building. The movie is a thriller, but the main character’s isolation from the rest of the world is rather stark. This is helped by the fact that it was filmed in high-contrast black and white.
You can be sure that even the Epic version will still require the Ubisoft launcher. That is how all of my Steam purchased Ubisoft games are with the exception of the first Assassin’s Creed which predated the Ubisoft launcher. All of the others require it regardless of how I bought it.
I’m going to wait for at least two or more years after release for the new Prince of Persia. My days of paying full price for Ubisoft’s games are over and recent statements from the CEO make me reluctant to ever buy their games again.
So that’s what that guy’s name is! Never knew before. Thanks!
Still don’t really know who he is. Also don’t care.
I’m rather fond of Murphy’s burst-fire pistol and hide-away leg holster in Robocop. If we are talking the coolest gun, it’s got to be the Zorg ZF-1 from the Fifth Element.
UPS used to give real time tracking info here, but that disappeared sometime in mid to late-2023.
Agreed on the rest though, Amazon and UPS delivery are both much better than FedEx. I could not think of FedEx being a good retailer until they can improve the quality of their deliveries.
MS Solitaire, Space Pinball, and Minesweeper come to mind. They were not my favorites, but I know a few people who have a few hundred hours on one or more of those.
For me it’s C&C Generals Zero Hour. I have had a copy since it released in 2003, it still works, and I still play it in single player mode at least once a week. It’s great because it does not require a huge time commitment and campaign missions take about an hour or less to complete. To me it’s one of the best RTS style games out there. My second favorite? C&C Red Alert 2 and Yuri’s Revenge.
I have also very much enjoyed the Assassin’s Creed series up to AC Odyssey.
The only danger I see in communism is that no matter how benevolent it starts, communism will always (eventually) become a dictatorship. If we could somehow take human greed out of the equation, communism could be really nice for everyone. As long as humans are in charge, communism will suck for nearly everyone.