• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • You are correct. They hatched a plan to grant clemency to a slew of people who were convicted of non-violent crimes that were switched to home confinement during the pandemic and who kept their noses clean since then. So a bunch of people who tended to skew older and committed financial crimes. No one thought to look at the details, I guess, so he pardoned some people he probably shouldn’t have.

    Frankly, what’s done is done. He needs to now pardon all the kids who were convicted by this asshole and his partner, because they are the ones who really deserve it.

  • Investment. That means they are putting money in and expecting to make a profit. They will dump $100 million billion in the U.S. and we’ll have to pay them back… with interest. In other words, we’ll get $100 million billion worth of infrastructure, or something, and end up paying $200 million billion or more for it with our taxes. No matter what the Republicans say, privatization is never a good thing.

    Edit: Oops! Meant to say billion but my fingers were working faster than my brain.

  • “I want us to get back to a point where scientists are seen as the establishers of facts rather than arguing for policy. We need to get back to a situation where we have a shared set of facts.”

    Good luck with that. There are too many scientists out there, and I use the term loosely, that are pumping out lies left and right because they can make a fast buck. There’s no way for a layman to tell the difference between legitimate research and the crap spewed out by groups funded by far right think tanks. The waters are well and truly muddied and I don’t see how we can undo this.

  • But I thought overturning Roe v Wade was about restoring state rights?

    This is exactly what they intended and, in fact, has parallels with the Confederacy.

    As you no doubt know, the Civil War was over slavery. But more specifically, it was about the northern states refusal to follow the fugitive slave act and return runaway slaves to the south. The Confederate states were insisting that the other states enforced the South’s laws on slavery. The North refused to do so and treated runaway slaves like any other free person.

    As Mark Twain said, History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes.

  • To determine whether or not an accused individual is guilty there are two primary options in the USA. A trial before a judge who makes the decision, or a trial by a “jury of your peers” where the whole jury must agree that the individual is guilty. A jury of one’s peers means that the people selected to hear the case are selected from the general populace and have no substantial connection to the accused. For example, you wouldn’t put the person’s mother on the jury. The jurors are not required to be lawyers or experts in any field. Just average people.

    If you just wanted some people to take the facts of the case and the facts of the law and determine whether or not the accused was guilty, then you would want experts and lawyers on the jury. That’s how trials used to be hundreds of years ago. A judge, often appointed by a king, would pass sentence over the peons brought before him. Since our legal system has average everyday people as jurors, clearly they are supposed to do more than that.

    This is where jury nullification comes in. The jurors not only judge based on the facts of the case, but also on whether or not the law in question is just. If an individual is accused of a crime, and is clearly in violation of the law, the juror can still find them not guilty if the law in question is unjust. In essence, the jurors nullify the law by refusing to convict. For example, during the prohibition era, it was not unheard of for juries to return not guilty verdicts for people accused of selling or transporting alcohol. The jurors thought the laws was were wrong so they refused to convict. A much more tragic example was in the deep south where jurors would sometime refuse to convict people of lynching black people.