They have sunken too much money and can’t go backwards now. Thats all. They will eat themselves in a bid to stay ahead.
They have sunken too much money and can’t go backwards now. Thats all. They will eat themselves in a bid to stay ahead.
I’m going to have to go down the rabbit hole of making my own website soon. Just curious but would there be an easy way to show a pop up just to people using chrome?
No reason in particular… 😏
Yup, so stop buying from them now and not only once it becomes mandatory.
Fucking bullshit. Gtfo with that nonsense you greedy asshats.
Just burn them all down.
The franchise milking has begun!
This guy has such a punchable face.
The melee combat was atrocious and literally the same 3 hits over and over again. Game should have: eased off the melee, had a few more original guns instead of just second handgun and other shotgun, more monster verity and no broken to the point of being OP last of us inspired stealth.
So? Who cares besides the ones raking in the money?
Does it really matter how much a game you played has profited its CEOs?
“Why bother making new IPs when you’ll gladly slurp up recycled nostalgia for all eternity.”
Emulators exist. You can play the game anytime.
They blew up the Mega-Lo-Mart!
Highly recommend the first game.
Have it for my camera equipment and can highly recommend it!
Got for it! It looks a bit overwhelming at first with all the different things you have to learn but once you get through the basics it starts to get really fun.
Been wanting to look at some voxel editors. Any you can recommend?
Delete your account. Simple