If tariff checked based on country of origin it wont help.
If tariff checked based on country of origin it wont help.
And that just makes it better!
I like the 3 movies in a row & doomscroll option while steaming on the things I should be doing. Then start stressing about not having time to do the things any more, so I will definitely do one of those things by next week (promise!)
If thst is the sperm, what about the nuts? Would you see the outlines of a bunch of these fuckers just swimming around bump7ng into the walls, stretching the sack around as they go? Well atleast checking the sperm count would get a lot easier I guess
Eräässä työpaikan kahvikeskustelussa pari päivää ennen tätä raakku casea pohdittiin mitä aspekteja suomalaisessa kulttuurissa arvostetaan, ja esiin nousi suomalaisten luontosuhde. Onhan se tavallaan totta että luonnosta nautitaan, kunhan se mukautuu täysin omaan idylliin. Ja onhan se luonnon kanssa yhteiseloa kun koko kesän autokolonnat matkustavat kerran viikkoon edes takaisin parin kolmen tunnin matkan päässä oleville kesämökeille.
Think of the possibilities! A teaspoon or 2 of instant coffee in the cup and you are good to go! Garlicy coffee goodness /s
Just buy all the Star Citizen goodies
Me IRL with a couple of month’s old baby rn
I have this 1 have this one creator, The Exploring series covering mainly SCP who has just the right monotone with no special sound effects to perk you alert. He started on youtube but has 95% of his material on spotify as well. His stuff plus a dose of melatonin 2H before when I want to go sleep mode is what does it for me.I’ve solely used his material to sleep for more than 4 years now (uploads once a week so Ive gone through his whole production multiple times). Been trying to find a comparable podcaster but no luck so far. Either they have too much background music, use sound effects or too much variance in speech volume & tone. Any recomendations are welcome.
A Smurfs it looks like
Hey this is pretty cool! Does anybody know why on mobile firefox the gifs slow down when looping? More accurately the framerate drops after the first playthrough. Happens on every gif. Any suggestions?
This was my logic as well. Bike got taken off from the front of a busy shopping centre, and nobody had bothered to get involved.
And here we arrive to the point of the original post. Value of the bike vs. Risk involved in retrieving it. A POS bike with a moderately good lock is far less likely to get stolen than a Canyon 7K e-bike with a lock that you can saw through in 3-4 minutes with a Li-ion battery powered angle grinder.
I bought an e-bike worth a long penny and an u-lock to match, and the bike got stolen from the front of a busy shopping centre by guys in a van using portable angle grinders. Conveniently the security cameras were not in operation due to a system malfunction. I was inside the centre for about 10 minutes, so a real bummer. Thankfully I had also taken an anti-theft insurance that covered the out of pocket cost of my insurance, so mostly this was an annoyance, but also a valuable lesson.
Waiting to make this call any day now, I’m definitely stealing this
Sorry, my name is Fred, its not meant to be
Picked the game up yesterday. No queues, but the matchmaker is still having trouble filling pubgs. Also running into massive CPU utilization straight at start of game, and with Nvidia recommended graphic settings im getting dips to 25fps in some missions. Hopefully the technical patch is not too far away.
I have a glass buttplug with a handle of sorts that pushes the cheeks apart. It’s non UV resistant so does not interfere with the tanning. On the plus side, the interior of the rectum&anal cavity also get tanned with the glass transmitting the light.