I’m sorry, what? I am actually asking you a sincere question. If I order a grande nitro cold brew, add a splash of sweet cream, what would you think I was ordering? No, really, I am truly asking you what beverage you would then hand me after I pay you. It has been my experience that I will get a cup of cream with a splash of coffee. Is that what you think I should receive from my order? Are my standards too high that I think a trained basista can provide me with my actual order? Should I just take what they give me, regardless of what I wanted, and just pay them because they “tried”?
YES- you just nailed it. That was my entire point… their degree is worthless at Starbucks. OP was upset that Starbucks wanted a degree to work there but, as you said, it doesn’t matter. They (Starbucks) have an arbitrary barrier to entry with a piece of paper (degree) saying you are somebody now… only they can’t get the little things right. You know, the little things such as getting my order right… fat lot of good the degree did them if they can’t even serve me the coffee I asked for… you know, their job.