If you’re on PC, the new Delta Force game is giving me my Battlefield fix. I think its in open beta, but once it fully releases will be on console.
If you’re on PC, the new Delta Force game is giving me my Battlefield fix. I think its in open beta, but once it fully releases will be on console.
I don’t know, I only got into PC gaming about 3 years ago but my library is easily twice as large as it was when I only had consoles for about 20 years. The initial cost of getting a PC with all the peripherals is quite a bit higher than console but the games are almost always significantly cheaper. The most recent AAA games and some studios like FromSoft are usually the only games selling at $70. On console, the price of a game barely gets lowered. I have a switch and wanted to buy overcooked to play on the go and it’s still $20 dollars and has very few sales. On PC it’s hard not to find it for less than $5 and that’s not even counting key shops.
Once I “figured it out”, I realized I was beating the decks using flushes. So I decided trying different styles like building a deck for playing straights, full houses, two pairs. I found out you can play a full house flush. It isn’t on the list of poker hands so that was fun to stumble upon.
I’ve been having a lot of fun with Vagante recently
Civ7 is the newest Civilization game that is coming out. Given that this c/patientgamers, I think its safe to assume OP is asking if there are any new games that you will not be patient to aquire.
For myself, I’m going to buy the new Elden Ring at release. I have not been let down by Fromsoft and feel each of the previous Souls and Soulslike games have been worth the full price.
Three out of the four boxes contain something. That’s the fourth way to do it. Nothing is missing.
I haven’t seen escalators that do that where I’m from, but I was just joking that the claims of saving energy were in reference to doing physical work instead of not using power for the escalator.
I like how it says save energy, but also says you burn 0.5kcal per step
No one is mad about getting 420million. We’re mad that there are billionaires.
I’d love another Silent Hill from the team that made the remake
My app (voyager) doesn’t show an extention following your username, are you also on mander.xyz?
You’re talking about proof reading posts on internet forums? How long have you been using the internet? There was a time when we didn’t all have smart phones with auto correct or grammarly extensions for our web browsers. Grammar and spelling has only gotten better
I meant to say fallen order isn’t 1:1 my bad for the typo
The rich aren’t losing money because of rape, so the cops don’t care to investigate it. It was a tongue in cheek joke implying cops only exist to protect the rich when their money is at risk. Another comment in this thread pointed out that women are regularly told “there’s nothing we can do” when they go to the police because an abusive boyfriend threatened to hurt them. They’re pointing out the special privilege cops give to the rich
I agree that the bonfire mechanics and level design resemble dark souls, but the mechanics are nothing like dark souls to me. I’ve played all the games as well. Fallen order isisn’t 1:1 with those games, but closer to them than dark souls. Combat is very forgiving and cinematic. It was made to look like darksouls, but the combat didn’t come close. Maybe kingdom hearts combat would be a better comparison. Still easy to get fucked up if you don’t know what your doing, but once you get the hang of it you can just mow down everyone no problem
That wasn’t my experience with fallen order at all lol. I could mostly rush into any group of enemies because enemy attacks were predictable and very easy to dodge. The iframes felt more like the combo beat em up games and enemies generally attacked in turns unless they were all shooting then all you had to do then was hold the block button. On second thought I’d say it was maybe closer to kingdomhearts combat
Jedi fallen order is not souls like at all. People saw the “bonfire/leveling system” and proclaimed it as being soulslike. The gameplay is more akin to the Spiderman or Arkham Knight games
Surprised that it was so short?
Good to hear. I tried to start with 1, but just can’t do with those controls.