That’s wild
I can’t find anything about Bluetooth being proprietary and requiring royalty fees.
I haven’t pre-ordered a game since 2011. They aren’t usually playable for a few weeks at least after launch anyway. The trend is becoming a year or two wait for games to get to the state promised pre-launch. By then they are heavily discounted or in some cases free to play. Just a way better deal.
I’ve been using logseq for the past two months. It does help.
Yeah. Shits fucked.
Edit: I was trying to reply to this guy: Wups
Idk if you are going to find what you are specifically looking for but if you do that shit is crazy fast.
Shit good to know.
Shit made me giggle.
I agree with this.
18 months in prison
Humble bundle has a deal on CompTIA exam prep stuff right now. Link
Gawd damn! Thanks. That shit is not ok.