No not use any DLC equipment. While the combat in the game is far from perfect, using the viper gear (I think that’s what it’s called) ruins it further.
No not use any DLC equipment. While the combat in the game is far from perfect, using the viper gear (I think that’s what it’s called) ruins it further.
DOOM Eternal is pretty damn close to perfection. The only thing that keeps it from 10/10 for me is the length of the missions, especially on harder difficulties. I feel absolutely exhausted after just one level.
Then again, maybe I’m just old.
Yeah, it does look promising but knowing Valve time it’ll release sometime in the 2030s.
Amen Brother by The Winstons, more specifically the drum break on it. It’s by far the most used sample of any song ever, and once you know of it you’ll hear it everywhere kind of like the Wilhelm Scream in movies.
I hate these headlines. Fucking Half Life 3 could be announced.
Oh yeah, I didn’t realize that 100% of Fallout related posts are referencing the show and not the games for the foreseeable future. My bad.
I literally bought a vape so I wouldn’t smoke in my car. It’s quite a bit easier to sell a car that smells like raspberries than one that smells like an ashtray.
What do you mean? They’re just songs about nice things, like bringing your own beer to a party, jumping on a pogo stick and shimmying until the break of dawn, yeah. Oh, and cocaine. Lots of cocaine.
Not a thumbs up, it was a guideline back in the day that if the mushroom cloud was smaller than the thumb of your outstretched arm, you were not in immediate danger. Or something along those lines. Pedantic needs fulfilled.
What kind of a psychopath games on windowed mode?
If that floats your boat, give Fear of the Dark by Graveworm a listen. Iron Maiden lends itself really well to dark metal.
Not sure if this applies, but people still seem to think that Nine Inch Nails covered Hurt by Johnny Cash and not the other way round. That or they haven’t even heard the original.
The Social Network.
Wait, Anthony Kiedis!? That’s news to me.
Holy hell, I learned something today. Might be a matter of a language barrier, since in my native language the word “Satanism” by definition refers to LaVeyan Satanism, and there’s a distinct word for Satan’s/Devil’s worshippers. No idea how that happened.
You’re mixing things up. Satanism never believed in literal Satan, that’d be Satan’s /Devil’s Worshippers, a completely different group of people. “Satanism” was the word used by the ignorant western (mostly US) media during the “Satanic panic” during the '80s-'90s, and it stuck. The Satanic Bible, to which your “modern atheist Satanism” refers to, was written in '69. Nothing to do with literal Satan.
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Some legend also typed out lyrics to Sandstorm.
Used to be that when a play ended, the audience would rush the stage to pat the backs of the actors to show appreciation. After the Great Audience Stampede of 1733, they made a rule to not rush the stage and just use the other hand as a substitute of the actors’ backs. That rule became the social norm.