I’ll just never visit the US again.
I’ll just never visit the US again.
So they give out traffic tickets I’d never have to pay if I never visit there again?
8£ is roughly 13$ Canadian. So yeah.
Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust
Love this video so much.
Well this is… hmm… this is something. That’s for sure.
Whackadoo But seriously, Bandit is the best dad role model.
Ocean front property in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
He said no cell phone, so you’re just alone with your thoughts.
That’s like saying why wear PPE and follow safety protocols on a construction site, it’ll save us money if we don’t do any of that. Nobody died or got hurt? Perfect.
There’s a reason things need to be done a certain way, if something had gone wrong what would’ve been the consequences? What if all those data racks full of personal user information were just straight up stolen by the random movers they hired off the street?? What if the floor had collapsed under the weight of the servers being moved, tipped the server over and crushed someone? Just because things worked out relatively fine doesn’t mean no harm no foul.
Musk is an idiot. Deciding to do things his way to save money and time reflects poorly on all his other companies.
Holy shit my sides. That robot has 0 fucks to give, get slapped.
I haven’t played that much of the game so far but God damn that was all perfect.
Yeah, it was almost close to release and apparently it was a tire fire. Who knows how much of the original they kept. I really hope it’s good, the first bloodlines was a blast if you ignored or modded out the bugs.
Luckily for me reddit made it easy by killing 3rd party apps and I only ever browsed it with RiF.
Probably determined how the wipe was put down the throat that the 18month old wasn’t capable of doing it. Also says they were left alone for 30 mins not 10, and he took his time calling 911. Not sure how they know that though. Probably a lot of stuff they can’t say until it goes to court. If they could prove he intended to kill the kid he would’ve gotten a more serious charge, so yeah he will probably just end up with some sort of negligence charge causing the child’s death.
Delay as long as you need, just please release a good game. I loved the first game, and while I felt DA2 was a step back, I still enjoyed it. DA3 felt too… MMO-y to me.
It’s such an amazing world to play in, I really hope the 4th installment isn’t garbage.
Same here. Love the game so much, but I end up taking a big break and coming back and not knowing how to play, so I just start new. Rinse repeat. Seems there’s a year to build and launch a rocket before this expansion drops, so maybe I should fire it up again and give it another try.
I haven’t played much since launch. I liked the game, but it felt like there was still a lot missing so I figured I’d put it down and play something else. Now I’m busy with bg3 but it may be time to jump back into darktide soon.
I just wanted a successor to black & white God damnit. What a letdown it turned out to be.