Not if the app has it’s own custom one set (which I think you can then override the same way you can with a default sound)
Not if the app has it’s own custom one set (which I think you can then override the same way you can with a default sound)
Steven Seagal is the opposite for me, if he’s in it I know I’m about to enjoy a shitfest
Blimey, maybe their production quality varies based on which factory it was built in (or Euro NCAP have better quality control regs), the one I’ve been in was lovely!
Everyone circlejerks about this online but every IRL owner I’ve actually spoken to say it’s the best car they’ve ever owned.
Quick, someone print out and photocopy this photo
It was very popular in the mid-2000s but I don’t think I’ve heard anyone use it since then. I’d say somewhere in the middle.
“As the crow flies” is a pretty common expression on this very isle
Does the USA just let anyone become in charge of large areas of the country? Like you don’t need to be an elected official or anything?
It’s a single country with a single currency, a single government, a single history, and a single language. Yes there’s a lot of variance within the country, but it’s really nothing compared to visiting Europe.
What about the giant colourful letters saying MARIO PARTY makes you think the isn’t a Mario game?
I’m in Britain, things did get very slightly less bad this year!
Hey Uncle Sam, the USA isn’t the whole universe!
Alright, alright, the shurethra if you want to get technical
Well when you give a shit about the environment and then you hear about people doing something incredibly wasteful it winds you up, you know?
Lots of people taking you up on your username 24 hours a day, eh?
Ooh sauté, well lah-de-dah Mr Frenchman!
Are they children who don’t pay the electricity bill, selfish energy wasters, or just idiots?
Won’t someone please think of the billion-dollar megacorp’s lost ad revenue!