A scoop of vanilla ice cream, topped with a little “chili crunch” oil - salty and sweet, spicy and creamy… it’s great.
I don’t go to McDonalds much any more, but I’d get fries and a vanilla shake to do that with, as a treat!
I remember reading at the start of Covid in the US, when the government was saying “masks are dumb”, but local churches were going “masks save lives”, the churches were surprised at how much pushback they were getting.
Turns out raising someone from a young age to believe without questioning, and look up to one person as their only source of truth, and ignore compelling scientific evidence, is pretty hard conditioning to break.
Shockedpikachuface.jpg, #leopardsatemyface, etc.
How’s that any different from today?
(Just kidding, gallows humor)
Seconded - Fuuuuuuck that jelly-bean-eating bastard.
I do like jelly beans though.
My thoughts as well… “here’s what to know: the Supreme Court is corrupt as hell”
Strong stuff, and I’m here for it! I hope he suffers the indignity of itching, without the relief of scratching!
I feel like the current establishment wouldn’t allow an FDR-style candidate to succeed, they’re making too much money from protecting the status quo.
But I’ll still grudgingly support them if Trump is the other option. I’ll vote progressive in my local elections, but as long as we still have a first-to-the-post election process, it’s always the lesser of two evils.
Isn’t it the case that whoever wins this one, they’ll be the oldest president in US history? Gross.
I think it’s like “vee-shee-swah”?
Source: some French classes in elementary school 🤷🏻♂️
Saddling up to the bar of a cyberpunk ramen shop to ask real questions with my real voice
I want this guy to argue with me at the ramen shop:
“Four…no, two,two; four! (sigh)… with noodles.”
The enemy gate is down, Ender!
I’m certainly no legal expert, but I think it’s the rights of the family that are being infringed upon. I don’t know a thing about the Carlins specific situation, but I think it’s customary for a famous person to leave control of their “intellectual property”, use of their likeness and whatever else, to their next of kin or a trusted friend or someone. And it sounds like the family have those rights, because they’re looking into “what their rights are” (which sounds a lot like “legal options” to me).
I personally think it’s in bad taste specifically BECAUSE the person is deceased - they can’t make the call and go “yeah go ahead” or “I don’t like this, please stop”. Kind of like how someone can’t consent to sex if they’re unconscious (weird parallel, I know).
I feel like the YouTubers are assuming Carlin’s consent, when they don’t really have it. If they’d asked his family, they could have maybe had it. But instead they decided to just go ahead and hope that they can get away with it.
I think Carlin’s daughter has every right to be pissed about not getting asked for her permission, especially if she owns the rights to his material.
Not OP but for me, I think it pivots on the permission of those who knew the comedian best and who might be hurt the most by not asking.
Whether AI writes the jokes, some 3rd party, or the comedian themself did, does the family want that out there, or would it be painful for Robin Williams’ family (remember that he killed himself) to watch a computer ape Williams’ comedy? If you’ve had a loved one pass away, would you want to be asked before someone made an AI of them performing jokes? And would it make it better or worse if the AI did an inferior job of replicating the original person?
Even if Carlin had planned a show, if the wishes of the family were that it be performed by Carlin himself or nobody, then I don’t think anyone had the right to turn an AI loose on the material to “give it a shot”.
Beyond that, I wonder if they have the legal right to use Carlin’s likeness, mannerisms, etc.
LOL “jug hooters”… I love it!
Lemming > Chihuahua > Honey Badger
Just angrier and angrier all the way through
That’s a funny way to say “Trump campaign manipulates emotions of grieving parents”