Nice username, by the way.
Hey you kids, get off my WLAN!
Nice username, by the way.
Out of curiosity, I looked for the Xbox in a big electronics store, and found it in a teeny, tiny, little corner. I don’t ever remember seeing any in the secondhand stores though.
I understand what you’re trying to say, but I do want to clear up some misconceptions people have about U.S. soldiers.
High school drop-outs are not eligible for the U.S. military. GED holders might be if they score high enough on the ASVAB, but it’s generally rare.
Also, U.S. military commanders, and officers in general, are both morally and legally required to disobey illegal orders. While the President may be the commander-in-chief, officers swear an oath to the Constitution, not the President.
That’s why General Milley publicly apologized and considered resigning after unwittingly letting federal troops be used to clear protestors, not knowing Trump wanted it for a photo op instead of legitimate need. That’s why so many generals called him a threat to democracy. That’s why Trump fired so many generals, because they wouldn’t go along with his stupid shit.
I have hope that the U.S. active duty military will not get involved in this. I know for sure they don’t want to get involved in this.
It’s time to delete X? 🧑🚀🔫🧑🚀 Always has been.
I had traveled to Southeast Asia recently, and used Grab for the first time there to get a taxi. I was surprised by how precise it was. No wonder.
Technically not a sabbatical, but I saved up a bunch of money, quit my job, and have been studying abroad in Japan.
It really is a cool tree, but man, having to walk near fallen gingko nuts every day during the autumn is kind of torture.
I can see some indie games as being easy to pick up and put down without a huge time commitment.* However, we shouldn’t discount the fact that a lot of games today, especially some of the “AAA” types, are purposedly designed to be addictive.
*Despite being a small indie game, Cracktorio Factorio will ruin your life. The factory must grow.
That is unfortunate. I also installed Linux Mint last year, and although I’ve had weird little issues here and there, none of them were major, and overall I was able to use it exclusively for the last seven months. One issue I encountered when installing was actually because of Window’s fault (during the drive partitioning portion), since I do dual-booting.