honestly, you can! its a skill and if you work at it and practice, your mind can really open up.
Just another yellow wizard looking at elven twinks and shiny metals, through my Golden Palantir.
honestly, you can! its a skill and if you work at it and practice, your mind can really open up.
first, she makes some foccacia (she is italian). after slicing a lot of thin slices of mortadella and chilli salami from a local butcher she grates a significant amt of mozzarella. thick slices of tomato with salt and pepper on top, a nice handful of basil and parsley and some kewpie mayo and balsamic glaze over it all.
put all that in the fresh foccacia and damn, i cant think of anything better.
edit: i forogt to add some olive oil to the undersides of the bread, and also if im not feeling mortadella, i go champagne ham.
also, thin slices may be controversial, but thick slices dry out the sandwich for me
i like this system
i think they are asking you to explain your definition of ‘league’ within this context
man, talk about god gifted individual opinions amiright
depends on the person, but i think it would be pretty frowned upon :)
why would you freeze your weed before smoking? /s
yes… this is… interesting…?
what brand veggie dog! sounds delish!!
pub squash is a thing in Australia, just lemon squash
you know, i think you pose an interesting noral dilemma facing life itself and its rights over the world.
I admit my own speciesism and have never been vegan for the moral argument. So i guess, yes, just as owning a plant, a mushroom or a tardigrade, conditions mean everything.
im expecting a human slavery gotcha, but i think that wpuld be a dumb argument to make. But i guess if i have to, let me just say, i think ‘intelligence’ is definitely a factor in ‘ability to be owned’ if that makes sense.
pls continue the discussion in good faith tho! i like societal introspection and moral questionings.
have you ever been on a farm? have you ever lived with a breeder? or do you just know
edit: im honestly glad you havent seen animals being treated this way, you should be proud of the fact that your community treats those in need with respect. however this is not the case everywhere, and its silly to think it is.
i don’t think you are understanding or evaluating the text as it was written. the idea of animal companionship is not detested, but removing a living being from any type of life whatsoever.
to have a ‘friend’ chained up for 23 hours in a day seems to be a weird way to show love.
but its ok because i can run really far
i think op was staying that neither of them are ‘valid’ candidates
that’s how i took it anyway
alright guys, get the boots out, we got a fresh tongue right here!
extreme environmental issues, mass execution of innocence, destruction of indigenous culture and land.
theres definitely a couple easy ones to point to.
idk why it wouldnt apply to fish
i mean, animal farming isn’t technically necessary at this point in human and technological evolution
Red Letter Media
Mike and Jay are a modern Siskel and Ebert. Film reviews, b-movie marathons and recently, a lot of trivia shows :D