What the fuck are you talking about? You ever had a cop find and arrest someone who violated your rights? Must be nice to be that well off! Around here cops just beat students during protests and protect scabs during strikes.
What the fuck are you talking about? You ever had a cop find and arrest someone who violated your rights? Must be nice to be that well off! Around here cops just beat students during protests and protect scabs during strikes.
Wait a minute… If I click through the cross-posts I end up right back here… Where did the season’s greason’s start!!!
I want someone who would choose to spend a million/year on the animals instead of on themselves.
That video is garbage, you REALLY think the “best and brightest” are the ones making millions? It’s the well connected. The people who make and break lives like chips on a poker table over a game of golf. The people who hang out on Epstein’s Island. They’re the only ones making millions per year.
The best and brightest are slaving away in universities and companies making meager salaries. The ones who have to fight for every cent that goes towards their innovation and research, who have to convince shareholders that every dollar they invest will give them a thousand back.
Let those people run the zoo, they’ll do it for 120k. That’s millions more that can be spent on the animals by people who actually have the skills to help.
Update Oh my god. I just watched more of the video and it’s baffling how bad it is. First he says that charities have to fill the gaps the market can’t fill because it’s not profitable. But his 5th pillar is that they should be allowed to pay profit to share holders to attract “capital”. But if they could turn a natural profit they wouldn’t need to be a charity. That means that profit necessarily has to come from DONORS. He’s literally advocating for a charity that takes donations and pays them to SHAREHOLDERS instead of the needy… Holy shit he’s in a room full of “smart” people and getting praised for this idea. I’m only half way through and I’m getting nauseous watching this.
Final update. His overall idea that overhead isn’t a good measure of charity success is a decent one. But NONE of the solutions he proposes are decent. What about compensation for charity workers? All he talks about is MBA salaries. And giving donations to shareholders is the most disgusting idea I’ve heard all year. That’s completely irredeemable.
What about high energy use industry running only during excess supply. Making aluminum, desalination, even training AI models. There are a lot of energy guzzlers that don’t NEED to run 24/7. Why can’t they be a sink for excess power?
Lol. Latino countries elect women as presidents all the time. The US NEVER votes for women, even when they’re running against a disgusting rapist. Looking at the statistics it’s always white people stopping women from being elected. But it’s the Latino minority who are misogynist?
Wild reach! That’s some massive prejudice you’ve got under the hood there.
It’s not strange that these advancements happen only during war. During war the government and the rich finally need living human bodies to throw at eachother so they invest in us, and are willing to take risks on those of us with good ideas. If we take control of our money and our government we could do that ALL THE TIME.
Damn greedy dragons hoarding their bullshit “wealth”
It’s going wherever the fuck they want. Stephen Colbert did a while segment about how the main purpose of Super Pacs is funneling secret money off the books. Political stuff is just the cover.
Damn, remind me not to partner with you in a trust fall.
Like this has “here is a staged video of me as a proof/test of trust” and not “here is actual proof I’m a racist” because there would have been OTHER proof, racists aren’t that sneaky.
Your first reaction is “finally I have a chance to ruin this girl I love’s life and go FULL SCORCHED EARTH”
Fuck man, you’ve got to dial up your chill at least a skosh!
“I’m sorry” conveys that the situation makes you sad. Usually in an “I’m sad this has happened” kind of way (from the root word 'sorrow")
“I apologize” means you regret your role in the situation.
They’re always quite different. You can say “I’m sorry” for any situation that’s upsetting to you or the other person. And that’s not just because I’m Canadian!
You can only say I apologize about the part you played.
Well it has all the info to completely dox anyone who testified against the attorney child rapist general. Magas would literally kill them where they sleep.
I think this is cool. Many of these are accessible and cheap. Most of these are “do you get out of the house and spend time on something” which is obvious. Looks like most hobbies are attractive, like even anime and cosplay have 1 out of 4 women who is into that and finds it attractive.
I also love the huge correlation between the top 15 and what men think is the top 15, the main difference is that men didn’t think hobbies were attractive enough.
I’d love to see the reversed list for what men think are attractive hobbies for a woman!
We are not doing OK, we can’t seem to stop electing Doug Ford and his cabal of corrupt conservatives.
Please send help!
Dude, just because your feelings are hurt doesn’t mean it’s a crime.
Let’s put mothers in jail for paternity fraud, then we cut the parental rights of the dad because he’s not the real dad. Then we put the kid in an orphanage, or maybe force the sperm donor (upstanding gentleman who nuts and runs with married women) to raise the now 10 year old who did nothing wrong.
If your partner commits adultery you divorce them, but you don’t abandon your kids. As a father if I found out my kids have a different genetic father, they’re still my kids. I love them. You can’t just give them up because they’re not your genetic legacy, that’s not how love works at all!
What a horrible image you have of masculinity to include a father seeing his own children as “criminal paternity fraud” and “theft of resources”. I can’t think of a single friend of mine that would give up his kids, or seek to jail their mother, if he found out they’re not his. Many would leave their wives to be sure, but they’d still love their kids, that’s not something they can give up even if they wanted to.
Also your stats are WHACK. 13% of women have EVER had an affair of any kind yet 20-30% of kids are ‘paternity fraud’. Bro imma need a source on those numbers, and I don’t want to see any qanon incel Jordan Peterson Andrew Tate shit. I’d be surprised if the real numbers were more than 2%.
Dude, I get that infidelity sucks but you have to be a real fucking asshole to think that makes the dads into “dads”.
No child calls the ‘wrong’ person dad. Dad is an earned title between a parent and child. Ejaculating doesn’t make you a dad, just a sperm donor.
Same goes for Mom by the way unless you think adopted parents are also illegitimate.
You stop that by restricting who you can vote for, not who can vote. No felons could be a nice one.
To dam a river you flood the upstream portion to create a height difference in the river that your can use to generate electricity.
This flooding submerges MASSIVE amounts of vegetation which undergoes anaerobic decomposition releasing tons of methane. It’s a one time thing, but it’s actually up there when you include the expected lifetime of a hydro plant, and the fact that methane is a very powerful greenhouse gas.
Bootlicking bastard. How dare you defend the cops for handcuffing this poor mother whose crime is apparently letting her kid have a childhood? “Peaceful interactions turn violent”? Pizza delivery drivers are more likely to have violent and fatal interactions with the public than cops, should they handcuff us “just in case” before handing us our order? God you bootlickers disgust me. Not ONE of your positions is upheld by facts. It’s all “feelings”, feelings like “the cop felt unsafe so he unloaded 2 full clips into a black kid playing tag”. It’s all a big tower of fascist feelings.
I found it and it’s great!