I agree, people disagree, seriously, I don’t care about the tweering stuff, but, say I gather 20-50 people and hold a demonstration at what, city hall? State Capitol? My local, and stae government wont change. So what am I supposed to do? go to a republican state and cause aimless mayhem? Am I supposed to take a semester off from college and work with the funds I do not have to travel to D.C. and what call for him to step down? His impeachment? Better accountability? He wont, his party wont.
What’s needed is not a protests, not a demonstration, not even a riot could seemingly change this. Realistically it would need to be a revolution. and Realistically people living paycheck to paycheck are not highly motivated to throw away thier life so they can risk thier life to start a “revolution”
If it quacks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, maybe, just maybe its a duck. They will still give some political grace saying its jot PC to call him a nazi even if he starts calling tump “mein fuher”, starts preaching mein kampf, and starts building oddly large ovens.