• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That argument is a very short (not very detailed) way of surmising the current issue with our world as a whole.

    Don’t like how cars have taken over the world, are the reason cities are hard to live in for low income families, and cause massive amount of climate damage? You can thank the 1% for that.

    Frustrated with how you don’t really own anything, your digital “property” can be taken away from you at a moments notice, and that everything you enjoy gets stuffed with schemes to make more money off of vulnerable people? You can thank the 1% for that.

    Angered that health care costs truly absurd amounts, that medicine is sold to the consumer with a 10,000% mark up, or that a single accident that was not their fault could land someone in debt for life? You can thank the 1% for that.

    A disturbing amount of things that are not good for our planet, keep the poor people poor, and generate inferior products/experiences is directly because of the insane power that the rich hold over our worlds systems.

    “It helps someone I don’t like because they are richer than me” is actually a wonderful definition of harm.

    Reddit used to be an amazing place of community and content that you couldn’t find anywhere on the internet. Then in the pursuit of money and the power that the 1% have Reddit (the company) started implementing practices that actively made the experience worse for the user, violated a person’s ownership of their content, and removed choice just like authoritative/dictatorship governments do.

    It feels to most people that there is nearly nothing that can be done about it. So when a person has the opportunity to directly go against the rich caste in our world they will take that opportunity immediately.

    I recommend taking a hard look at the things that concern you with our world, or cause you pain/annoyance/discomfort and try and learn WHY the issue is the way it is. The majority of the time is because some rich person/group of people (I’m looking at you lobby groups) has an obscene amount of power compared to all of the people affected.

    Lastly there is a reason that “Tax the rich/Eat the rich” is the rally cry of generations.

    It’s because the rich cause us harm.

  • Currently? Back pain.

    But in general my brain is dumb and does some dumb stuff.

    The other night I wanted a nice cup of earl grey lavender tea to help me relax because I couldn’t fall asleep. Problem being was we had ran out of loose leaf tea bags. I dug out the small box of tea strainers we have collected over the year only to find out one hadn’t been properly cleaned and was slightly moldy. Others were surface rusted or tarnished.

    My sleep deprived brain decided that the best decision was to pull out the dental picks, dremel tool, and other cleaning picks to get these tea strainers in tip top shape.

    This is how my wife found me sitting on a bar stool hunched over the kitchen sink deep cleaning tea strainers at 3:30 in the morning.

  • According to about 12 seconds of googling this article feels borderline. This article specifically references a 2010 study that says 12% of women carry the gene however the article fails to mention what the study specifically says. In the opening paragraph if the study it says “However, the existing evidence is sparse and inconclusive.” & “Our results suggest that most carriers of color anomaly do not exhibit four-dimensional color vision, and so we believe that anomalous trichromacy is unlikely to be maintained by an advantage to the carriers in discriminating colors.”

    I found three different studies regarding this. One said that it was about 15% of women, one said it was 50% of women and 8% of men. Another said that women with color vision defficiency and mild color blindness might have tetrachomacy effectively rendering the extra cones pointless. ANOTHER study showed that only one person EVER had been diagnosed with Tetrachomacy.

    While I really appreciate media that brings to light conditions that the average person might not know about I really dislike articles and media that make things seem way more common then they are and/or portray things as fact that are far more nuanced. We already have enough people self diagnosing themselves or self identifying with abilities/disabilities