Exterminate! Exterminate!
Exterminate! Exterminate!
I’m assuming a house with jairs is a house with indoor shoe permissiveness. Maybe I should check my privilege idk lol
If my thighs can rub a hole in my jeans in less than a year, how quickly are shoes going to eat through this?
I get broccles evertime I groce. Cut off the florets, toss in oil and salt, convection roast at 400F for 20 to 25 minutes, stirring them about one or two times
I doubt it, the moron killed his own demos with his own policy in 2020. Democrats have over performed every special election since then. Biden now has incumbency as well. It’ll be tighter than it should be, but I bet trump does does worse than he did in 2020
If it makes you feel better, he killed his own boombooms with his demented policy choices
Anything can be a salty snack if you try hard enough. I’ve made some… abominations
I want to get on medication for the first time, this does not bode well for that. I should at least restart therapy though
When the simulation is low on resources, it starts running cars with full tint so it doesn’t have to draw the npcs
Suffer not the anti-brassicans to live
I’d much rather he spend his remaining days in prison. To go from what he had to prison, with no hope of reprieve would be delicious, even if much too late
Well yeah, conservatives couldn’t find a joke if it had oil in it
You think Dark Brandon didn’t do this? You simple fool…
Hour and a half commute, each day, not counting when there’s a bad accident at rush hour? Kill me instead, I’d rather not live life in rush hour traffic
Those wealth building things are vehicles of exploitation. Someone has to be the neck getting stepped on as it stands
Damn, guess he never left his personal Vietnam ;_;
Go back to your caves of steel