Male highschooler living in Indiana. I like programming and music (production / listening), and take interest into urbanism, leftism, and other “cool and based” -isms.
Also check out my personal website.
Everyone here putting their stuff in their pants’ pockets… anyone here who just wears a belt bag everywhere instead?
What? I meant the kind of phrasing those bots would use, not that no one asked for it
You[r phrasing] remind[s] me of the spam bots on YouTube posting links no one asked for
iOSer here, basically the same here too
Mine gives me an infinity symbol in Firefox iOS
It is very much playable right now, and has been for a looong time now, maybe you’re thinking of unitystation (although it appears semi-playable too.) Where exactly did you get that impression?
Yooo, SS14 mentioned
Incredible game, and it’s constantly improving as it goes
(Hey, psst…. !
Can confirm, I am this guy 👍
The first OS I recall using is Windows 7 (yes I’m young), and for Linux, I switched from Windows 11 to Linux Mint, which is what I use in the present day.
Ima crosspost this to foodcrimes in a few hours if you don’t mind
This meme utilizes the angry emoji
hirses aren’t real silly!!! a harse however…