Quite the theory you’ve got there.
Quite the theory you’ve got there.
Boy, wouldn’t it be something if these awful human beings were literally paid actors/actresses? That makes everything in the world of politics incredibly distressing, yet I wouldn’t be surprised one bit.
My opinion, but I like Palworld more than any of the 3D Pokémon games since X/Y. It’s not really the same style of game when you really get into it, but the things that make Palworld different make it outright better to me. I don’t plan to buy Pokémon games at all anymore, and Palworld is a significant reason why not. It’s a little dismissive to suggest they aren’t a threat.
Dunno if you were aware, but there’s an easy tech you’re able to use to get actually good travel speed. Slide down a hill, any slight decline really, and jump into a glide. Slide momentum is maintained into the glide, and any glider will give high speeds. It’s the best way to explore by far.
Ah, I know what you’re getting at. Honestly, it sounds incredibly plausible. 4chan’s porn has always been…off.
If you understand the design philosophy of From’s games, you know why you’re wrong here. Have you ever even played their games? They all require you to be capable of knowing how to overcome obstacles and rise above a challenge. It’s on you, no one else. They’ve literally always been this way. Their games are wildly successful with or without your complaints for a damn good reason.
Ok, I’ll bite.
Dark Souls was beaten with voice input alone. I saw someone working on doing that with Elden Ring just the other day. This isn’t a disability issue. People just don’t like difficult games, and that is very much a skill issue.
[Handmaid’s Tale intensifies]
It left a permanent mark on me. I love it so fucking much.
Here’s an upvote.
Real talk, an asteroid wiping us out would only expedite the inevitable. If we could pull together and deflect an asteroid, there’s hope. If not, we failed the test and die with the consequences. But we don’t need the asteroid to fail this test. We’re making great strides towards destroying our home with home field advantage.
Never gonna catch me 👽
That’s Darth Jar Jar to you.
Sounds like you’re painting the world with broad strokes based on narrow circumstances. Not everyone is the 40yo you want to kick out, even if their situation seems similar. The OP is more than likely nowhere near 40 and obviously looking for ways to change their state in life. No reason to beat a stranger up because they resemble someone you know.
Edit: I just read more of the thread…the OP actually kinda sucks.
This is what I would do. My charisma stat is way higher than it was as a kid, so I might be able to make my school years less hell.
I don’t know how to change it in Sync :(
30 btw