Fuck yeah, going to compile me some free Pokémon!
Fuck yeah, going to compile me some free Pokémon!
Waltz had an opinion that is not the official party position.
But it would lower it for the most important 5%!
I choose to keep both feet firmly planted in unreality.
As a Network Engineer I only use Freecad.
The Supreme Court “Hold my fascism beer bruh.”
No just making fun of them.
Good for you. Weird flex honestly “my stomach works” Well for many of us ours don’t work. If I eat anything that is spicy hot my stomach will have me bent over cramping constantly until it leaves my system. Is your next post going to be about how stupid people are for having to use wheelchairs?
That is an endorsement in of itself.
I live in Kansas City. Somebody is going to do a drive by on that thing.
It is blind to the suffering of the poor.
But but but he just said on the debate he has nothing to do with 2025. Trump wouldn’t lie to us! Would he?
Printing it doesn’t make it true. Smells of propaganda. How many people do you know who got a raise over 7%?
Fuck this shit. Most patriotic thing you can do is pay your taxes. Shame those (rich fucks and their corporations) that don’t pay taxes. Tar and feather them. They are stealing from you and your family.
I’m going the opposite extreme. I have been looking at and day dreaming about getting an Isuzu N series 14Ft box truck. Just below the DOT limit. Maximum bed minimal cab.
This is overreacting. I was beat as a child and I only need minimal therapy now.
Nah, being non verbal is it’s own extra challenge.
Not even giving them the click. I know who I’m voting for.