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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • My dad won box tickets to the last 49er game at candlestick through some radio contest. All expenses paid, bunch of merch, got to meet some players, whole VIP package. Happened to be that the last game at the stadium was a few days after my birthday and a couple days before Christmas. I even happen to live in the area while he was flying out from Texas.

    He got me a card with $20 in it and took his mom, stepdad, and ex wife with him to the game. Killed himself about 8 months later. Thanks pop.

  • Again, not being extended a courtesy because you are rich and expect that courtesy to be extended is not the same thing as being the subject of a witch hunt. In EXACTLY the same way a lotto winner might have their old tax records reviewed, people in any kind of spotlight are going to be under increased scrutiny. People like Hunter have access to every resource imaginable to help them stay current on their taxes and avoid violating the law. Problem with people like hunter is that they expect to be treated with kid gloves so they take shortcuts. $1.3 million in back taxes isn’t a “whoopsie” most people get away with, and they shouldn’t. All Joe is showing America here is that the Biden’s are rich people first and American citizens second.

  • Discipline is a core tenant of righteous hatred. I feel no enmity for anyone of French descent. I just hate the French as a concept. Same for the British, the Dutch, Spaniards, Belgians, Germans, Russians, Israelis, Chineses, etc etc all the way down the list of opressors both historic and modern. While yes, a nice little Thanos snap of all those evil peoples would leave the world massively underpopulated, I have faith that the desirables that are left would figure out repopulation no problem.

  • Optimistic of you to believe that humans learn from mistakes. Id thought we’d all come to the conclusion that colonizing ethnostates were bad, but Israel didn’t seem to get the memo. I thought we were done with nazi appeasement but then we have Jill and Joe old money taking nice pictures with the dictator elect. I even thought once upon a time that electric cars might make a dent in the fight for the climate, but then I saw what a lithium mine looks like. Nothing matters to humanity except how greedy they can be without being rejected from society at large.

  • Because they weren’t necessarily always harsh, cold environments. The global temperature has fluctuated significantly in the last 1000 years or so. We had a medieval warming period from about 1000AD through 1200AD, followed a couple hundred years later by a “little ice age”. Technically, our world is still in an ice agethough the last 12,000 years or so have been remarkably stable compared to the longer scale geological timeframes ice ages generally span. Good thing our dependence on fossil fuels has upended our real handy metric for tracking this kind of stuff so we now have basically no clue wtf is going to happen climate wise in the next 10,000-12,000 years. Warhammer 40k is very optimistic about humanity lasting that long.

  • Honestly fuck federal workers as a whole. I spent 6 months working under the USCG through DHS and every single last civilian worker was either a nepotism hire, married to a service member and got handed the job, outright incompetent, or some combination of the 3. Trying to get in touch with ANYONE from HR was a 2 week wait minimum to answer the most basic questions, and it’s a coin flip whether the answer you got was even relevant to what you originally asked. I have never worked with a lazier bunch of entitled shitbags as I have in federal employment.

    They deserve every bad thing happening and more.