I agree with most of your individual points… But your thesis relies on a false assumption.
Capitalism is the current problem for 95% of the world… Just like monarchies were a problem for that particular country. Just because many political and economic systems throughout history reflect an aspect of human nature to control and bequeath that control to their offspring, doesn’t take capitalism off the hook. Hell, if that were the case, we could blame everything on the evolutionary drive to be sexually successful, and not place the blame on anyone or anything else. That’s what those at the top would love the rest of us to believe.
The numbers dude!!! Don’t you know?!
I didn’t answer a question. I commented on the use of the term “bad shit” in reference to a question to op.
"bad shit’ is relative. Who among us are without sin? I think conflating the CEO of a local retail business with CEO of a national company specializing in collecting medical debt is not healthy to increasing support for systemic change. Could the local ceo pay the cashier’s more? probably… But so could small business owners in general. Should we get mad at someone for choosing a repair person that charges less for a job? Why not pay someone else more for their labor? How much more? Pretty soon the finger pointing is so ubiquitous it’s irrelevant.
Explain a $10k reward that is being advertised with the picture that you’re trying to say shouldn’t be posted? Stop being ridiculous. Are you being serious? You’re just trolling right?
I’m sure that if people stop posting the photo the police are going to forget that they have a photo of his face…
I am going to assume you are high or were under the influence of something when you posted this.
I’m just responding to your comment. If you were only talking about encryption, then maybe word your comment more clearly… Especially if you want to cast aspersions towards other about staying on topic.
Only if you look at it in the most general, limited, pov. Are they the same people on corporate greed? Not all, but mostly yes. Are they the same people on encryption? Yes. Are they the same on human rights? Absolutely fucking not. If the only thing important for you is encryption, voting isn’t going to change the government’s policy decisions. However, if things other than encryption and corporate greed are important, then voting for a Republican is voting against your interests. History is filled with people who can’t see past their own fucking biases and look out for the greater interest… So you have a lot of historical company.
Handing out homemade candy in one of my upper level college courses.
Pay no attention to my username…
This is the first time the Democratic strategy hasn’t disappointed me in years. Nealy everyone is pushing in the same direction, and the messaging has been nearly flawless.
Putin can’t vote.
I know it’s cool to hate on The Big Bang Theory, but i loved his cameos on that show. He made fun of himself, and to a certain extent, the fandom, but the tone was so silly and self-aware, i loved it.
Just because the company making money off of purchasers says it’s good for cats. Doesn’t mean it’s good for cats. Other than one study that relied on surveyed answers from vegan pet owners, I haven’t seen any evidence that a vegan diet is safe for cats.
I don’t understand your hate. You hate him because his message has been consistent for 25 years?
Edit: full disclosure. I met Mr. Moore in 1998. He generously gave his time to speak to everyone that wanted to speak with him. He gave out personal contact information to some community organizers, and really seemed interested in helping a bunch of us kids who were trying to change the world. I really respect him a lot.
Chug a glass of milk before trying to pronounce it…helps a ton!
Old enough to prefer Driver 2 to Driver 1 because it had better graphics.
You have a very simplistic view of cause and effect. No one thing is ever the cause of anything. Everything is a result of multiple factors. Just because something isn’t the sole cause of another thing doesn’t mean you ignore it. Only shills would think otherwise when the issue of capitalism is involved.