Then your only challenge will be converting to and from human-friendly formats and cleansing user input. Easy.
I asked ChatGPT for some potential solutions to the Y10K issue. I particularly enjoyed this suggestion:
Plan for Y10K Early: Build flexible and extensible systems now, with modular design to incorporate future changes seamlessly.
It’s what happens when James uses the good dining forks to unjam the cupboard door again.
Well, that was certainly the peak of human artistic achievement.
Imagine thinking that’ll be the biggest date-related computing problem for a galactic society.
If you really want to make programmers despair, point out:
And if if they don’t shoot you, odds are they’ll do fuck all with your case.
Cool. Now we just need to allow people to transition before puberty, and we’re all sorted.
* Unvaxxed child, or anti-vaxxer’s child.
Don’t blame the kids.
Oh there’ll be elections. Just like Russia has elections, and Cuba.
“Wellness” is a word they invented so they didn’t have to admit they weren’t health practitioners.
Then California splits into 20 states.
My point exactly. Trump has served his purpose. Now for the new puppet.
You forgot “It didn’t happen when Bush stole the 2000 election.”
4 more years? Nah. 6 months before they turf him.
This’ll be a Vance presidency.
Puny god.
I just adjust feeding time by one hour. Easier for me to switch than my pets.
No, just bored by lazy trolling.
Judith Collin’s is a truly awful person, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.