Depends on where & when, but yeah, biggest bank run I ever made was about $10k, enough to have some fun with sure, but not enough to disappear forever with. Certainly not to Japan.
Depends on where & when, but yeah, biggest bank run I ever made was about $10k, enough to have some fun with sure, but not enough to disappear forever with. Certainly not to Japan.
One way or round trip? That makes a big difference…
100 GB is some rookie numbers. I’ve had 8tb for years, I’m only half full and the drives are starting to age out. I’ve already replaced one with a 4tb drive, once the rest are replaced, it’ll be 16tb total.
He’s dead.
goo goo gajoo…
Technically they’re closer to sea lions than seals… So really, sea lions should have been called sea tigers, than walrus would be saber-toothed sea tigers…
Personally I tend to think the you you are is just a verbal processing system that retroactively analyzes what the rest of your brain does.
I seem to remember reading that research of certain brain disorders has shown exactly that… Basically, without a functional corpus callosum, one side of your brain does something, then the other side (that had nothing to do with it) comes up with a reason why “it” did it.
That makes more sense…
That’s… horrifying. I had no idea it was that high. I have to wonder how anyone can be illiterate, after watching my kids learn to read, and how little effort it took (on my part I mean, they were putting effort into it, because they wanted to)
Self-driving cars are safer, in general, overall - it’s just that the specific cases in which they fail are different from anything a (halfway competent and alert) person would fail at.
Gravity, is natural, no?
At this point, that war will be fought with drones, which don’t tend to discriminate by gender when they kill civilians…
We did that already, late 60s into 70s… The music was better, but the musicians didn’t last as long.
We did that already, late 60s into 70s. The music was better, but the musicians didn’t last long.
It’s why I left 25 years ago, as much as I liked living there, I couldn’t afford it. The house i grew up in is currently on the market for $2.5mil… my mom sold it for $400k in the 90s. All my high school friends have moved away, though some farther than others…
Funny, I might be the only person I know who automatically rounds up gas prices…
You forgot birds aren’t real.
What you’re talking about boils down to who to trust. Unfortunately, governments are notorious for abusing such trust. I can’t fault anyone who questions the way things are, and why- assuming of course that they are receptive to answers other than “it’s a government conspiracy to control us.” Not that that’s never true, but it’s certainly not always true.