For OsmAnd+, there is another option for addresses. OpenSuperMaps joins national address registries with openstreetmaps. For American maps, it enables OsmAnd to make sense of American style address searches.
It is phenomenal.
For OsmAnd+, there is another option for addresses. OpenSuperMaps joins national address registries with openstreetmaps. For American maps, it enables OsmAnd to make sense of American style address searches.
It is phenomenal.
Really? What about everything your employer shares about you? Whatvavout the faxt they litterally monitor everything you do?
Zero control, and sure don’t do anything non-work, but since you give at least 8 hours per day to work, they collect all sorts of metadata, like when you’re most productive when you eat, how you interact with people, personality quirks, facial scans, home address, ssn, bank account, phone number, 401k investments… Everything, basically.
Some things one has to be willing to forgo. I grew up before all this crap happened, so i just never let it infiltrate my world too much.
Still, it comes at a cost that increasingly includes Social isolation. Very few give a rats ass about privacy. They’re blissfully clueless and don’t see the point of doing all the extra work. After all they 'have nothing to hide". (Aren’t they adorable?).
Come to grips with the fact most people are both stupid, and sheep. Seek the ones who have some clue of what is going on not just around them, but in the rest of the world.
You can set KeePassDX to use a pin for quick unlock. It does not have the remote access feature, but i use Synology Drive to keep the file synchronized, and it does a decent job of autopopularing fields.
Well, i can vouch that many small businesses and non-profits do here in the U.S. of A., and sometimes community announcements or events are on Facebook. I’ve never had an account, so i have missed many events that i know about, and probably thousands that i don’t.
It’s hellish and socially isolating. Thankfully, there are other resources, but they seem woefully inadequate at times. NextDoor at least seems to be a reasonable town bulletin board but it is very noisy.
I see they’re looking to kill F-Droid.
I don’t knowvwhat mtls is, but Joplin has mostvof what you want. It does not have card layout native, but there might be a plugin for that.
For me, a C# developer by trade, this is easily solved with a one command C# call. It’s possible you already have dotnet 6 or 8 on your distro as there are many C# Linux apps now.
They cannot celebrate his conviction because that would undermine their assertion that the trump trial was rigged.
In a twisted way, their reaction makes sense, and for me, was predictable. The cult must be constantly managed for it to remain intact.
Easily solved: use F-Droid
Elections have consequences. Also, allowing people to get away with ignoring the rules has consequences. Refusing to do their constitutional job in the supremee court appointment by Obama should have resulted in impeachment of leader McConnell and a repudiation of antidemocratic activities by those who swore an oath to uphold the constitution and our democracy.
Many many years ago I realized that there would be no social security by the time I retired. Lo and behold Social Security will only pay 70% of its dues 3 years before I retire.
The good news is I’ve been saving for retirement since the age of 25. The bad news is there’s been a plethora of problems that have restricted my ability to save.
Thankfully, I I’m in a way better place than most people. Unfortunately I am still going to fall short.
Probably a reference to how many people died because of crashes in them.
Ah, yes. The plans laid out by the ultra wealthy bear fruit. We blame and shame each othe while they pay no taxes! Mr. Burns would be proud.
Remember that just five years ago, Trumpcsigned a tax bill that gave the wealthiest amongst us a collective two trillion dollar tax cut that cost me the home interest and local tax deductions i depended upon. My crime was living in a “blue state”.
Well, my own observation shows me that most people don’t know the first thing about basic finances: compounding interest, budgeting, critical thinking when seeing advertisements, and the cost of take-out vs making dinner are some examples.
For gods sakes, check your credit card and bank balances once in a while!. smh.
Your tablets are premium line. Mine is an A series - budget model - so it was getting old when it was first released. I have an S8 now, and that will last longer.
Freeing up ram helps in a few ways. First, you can fit more apps in memory, so less unloading. Second, more room for zram swap, reducing reliance on much slower static ram for swap, and prolonging the life of the sd chip, too. Finally, it means that massive spyware is no longer siphoning cpu time from user apps. It’s a win, win win!
This is a muddled message. Are we caught up chasing an illusion, or are we just more acutely aware of our poor condition?
It reads like it is saying the former, but then quotes statistics that reflect real loss of buying power. On the coasts 100k is no longer a large income. People really do live paycheck to paycheck while carefully managing their spending.
I’m inclined to at least partially acknowledge the gaslighting comment as plausible.
LineageOS GSI on my Samsung Tab 2019 Has made it still usable to this day, then there’s the one with microg on my Pixel 2XL. Getting rid of play services axed about 800M of RAM usage for me. The Pixel is on Android 14 and the Tab will be the next time I update.
We are out there, we own our devices, and get value out of them well beyond their predefined expiration dates.
This ship set sail in 1992. I’ve been referencing this very checklist for at least 20 years when
debatingbeing dismissively yelled at by conservatives. Everybody thought I was nuts.