WAAAAAAHHHHHH they called someone out for literally encouraging rape and being a huge sexist pig sO mUcH FoR tOLerAnCe
Being a sexist piece of shit isn’t a protected a class and has nothing to do with tolerance.
WAAAAAAHHHHHH they called someone out for literally encouraging rape and being a huge sexist pig sO mUcH FoR tOLerAnCe
Being a sexist piece of shit isn’t a protected a class and has nothing to do with tolerance.
That didn’t make it ok to have kids hang out with a sick kid so they’d also get sick 😐
I’m a victim of “chickenpox parties” from the 80s. Some parents are just stupid assholes that refuse to accept you don’t have to make the immune system a punching bag to make it stronger
Now I’m at a higher risk for severe shingles. Yay!! Thanks mom!
I don’t see why you couldn’t just get vaccinated. No harm even if you were previously.
My mom’s record keeping of my vaccinations as a kid was a shit show so I ended up just getting the ones I wasn’t sure about later in life when I found out she might have skipped some 🙄
Too bad it was so close range too. She might have had a chance because their aim was probably just as shit as acorn cop’s considering how poorly trained they clearly are 😕
Far too many for me to have any kind of faith in the embarassing joke that is our police force.
I read there’s also a disclaimer that the shoes you get may not be exactly what you see on display there lmao. $400 and you might not even get that version of hideous
Under the bridge is where the junkies hang out and you’re a shit patent if you want your kids messing around construction sites lmao
Ew you talk with your mouth full
So then parents should just not get their kid a smartphone and stop trying to police everyone else’s kids. It really is that simple
I grew up in the 90s and my entire childhood neighborhood is concrete now. The overgrown wash where we built forts is gone. The desert surrounding the area? Gone. It’s just roads, shitty apartment buildings, and cement for miles. Maybe it didn’t change for you but my kids could never grow up the same way that I did there. Most of the more wild areas are gone. Banished to the outskirts of town now. Hell, we don’t even really have sidewalks and hardly anything is walkable due to traffic. It has everything to do with cars in plenty of places. There is literally nowhere for kids to be kids within walking distance of me now either.
What a stupid and weird thing to be upset about
Omg it wasn’t a fever dream! 🥹
I can think someone is being a dumbass without having any kind of hateful feelings towards them. Hell, I love a few morons
With some random sports channel or fox news absolutely blasting in the background the entire time
It’s like when someone leaves a real asshole comment and then goes “I’m being brigaded!!!” lol. Naw lil buddy. You’re not that important people just saw your comment and thought you were being a jerk
A dude named Sobriety Promise (both words were his first name). That guy’s parents were assholes to name their kid that. Bro had to announce that his parents used to be drunk losers every time he said his name lmao. He went by his middle name and changed it as soon as he could. Poor guy. It’s no wonder he became an alcoholic later 😐
It was during school and a pediatrician would never recommend something like this now lol. Plenty if medical professionals were against it at the time too. The vaccine was out by the time I was a teen. We could have waited it out.