You’re god damn right! Sam is the true hero!
You’re god damn right! Sam is the true hero!
Check out “Search Engine” if you liked Reply/All. PJ is the host!
Very true. I usually binge videos for whatever game I’m currently playing.
I like watching Nilhaus play factory games so I can learn some new ways to better organize my logistics. That’s a big one.
I’ve never played Europa Universalis IV but I love watching videos of it.
God I hated that change so much. I only play 2v2 ranked with my buddy now. I never play anything else anymore.
There was no reason to ruin casual like that. I remember all the whiners on the RL subreddit saying crap like “I want to play a full match with a team!” and all I could think was, then go fucking play ranked! They like to drop terms like “not sweating” to justify ruining casual. Really?? If you don’t give a crap about ranking then who cares what ranking you are in ranked matches? Just go play ranked! And if you’re that mentally weak, then yell at epic to let you hide your ranking from being displayed after matches instead of ruining an entire game mode.
I miss having a zero commitment game mode that I can pop in while waiting for my buddy to take a dump or something. Now casual is just ranked without the ranking. It still has mmr, you can’t leave without bans, it’s absolutely pointless and might as well not exist. Let me go get my ass slapped by a grandmaster! Or let me show off to a bunch of bronzies. It hurts no one.
Yup, had a massive panic attack from gummies. Went to the hospital because I thought I was having a stroke. Got pumped full of lorazepam and slept for 26 hours. Full day of my life gone.
Glad to hear I’m not alone! I like weed, but the potential for panic attacks is too scary.
My son started saying “what the sigma?” constantly. I’ve tried to figure out where it came from and only landed on some “Sigma Male” shit on youtube.
Drives me nuts.
Stickerbush Symphony - Donkey Kong Country 2
Ahhh Ticket to Rage. My wife’s family is not allowed to play that anymore.
My son’s only 8 so I have no personal experience parenting a tween/teen. So take that into consideration with my advice.
How about the next time you’re watching with them, try this:
"I was raised allowed to moderate my own content because I was trusted to be intelligent and wise enough to critically select what I watched or read and learn from the mistakes I made if I consumed something negatively influential. I have tried to extend this same trust to you, but the constant repetition of what you hear and your inability to form a cogent argument makes me feel like your YouTube viewing habits are teaching you to accept concepts at face-value simply because they are popular.
If you will engage with me in a discussion on these videos, I’ll leave you alone and continue to trust you on this. However, if you continue to shrug and dismiss the conversation, I will have to consider blocking this content until you are ready to engage with me on a deeper level."
I know modern parenting advice tells us to prefer reward over punishment so if there’s a reward strong enough to motivate them to engage, go with that. But if punishment is a greater motivator, I’d say damn the modern parenting advice.
After reviewing the footage, Sedef realized that the bears always opted for the Anzer honey, proving they have very good taste. According to The Guardian, Anzer honey is “produced from the nectar of 90 flowers that grow only in the mountains of the Anzer plateau.”
This is pretty interesting. Considering Anzer plateau is in Turkey and this took place in Turkey, I wonder if the bear prefers the honey because it’s truly better or the taste is familiar to the bear, being in Turkey and all.
Pretty much anything where I’m not or never will be the target demographic
Looking forward to raging while I jump rope at 120fps!
You’re probably right on the grand scheme of things. However, I find recruiters are a dime a dozen. When job postings in my area that match my skill set are posted, I get 5-6 recruiters messaging me for the same job. So, at least for me, I wouldn’t worry about burning bridges with a single recruiter.
I’ve been on the hiring end of those conversations before, and frankly I prefer it when a candidate withdraws.
This, so much, this.
I’ve done many interviews on the hiring side. They’re exhausting. If you’re not interested in the job, please don’t interview. No repercussions will be had and any (introverted) ICs that were going to be pulled into the interview will breath a sigh of relief.
This was probably written and printed off by an employee as a joke… and it’s really funny.
Hello fellow introvert. I too have struggled with these dynamics in the past.
Im introverted and have always enjoyed my solitude. Some people have complained that I don’t talk much, which is true, I don’t need to talk to feel good.
but jesus christ, others outright avoid even eye contact with me like the plague, even though I kept greeting them for at least 2 more days.
Sounds like you’ve met people similar to you. How would you prefer others handle you? I’m guessing it’s “ditch the small chat, and get to the point”. I’d say, treat these people like that. Focus all your conversations with them purely on the shared work and leave them alone otherwise.
I confess neither do I know how to react when people are friendly when I’m talking to a coworker they like but the moment this coworker leaves, they turn to a mute.
It’s likely that they have an established working relationship with the other person but not you and so they freeze up in a 1:1 scenario. Just continue to engage with them in group settings until you establish rapport.
It’s also a bit funny: 2 coworkers that the first day had small but normal conversations with me now look elsewhere when they see me… and I give them back the same treatment. Childish and petty? extremely, but I ask you: what should I do?
You don’t have to do much. Continue to be friendly with them and if they don’t reciprocate just engage with them on the work alone. If you need something from them, ditch the small talk, explain the problem clearly and explain what you need from them.
I think you’re trying to take a one size fits all approach here. You need to adapt to each individual. For those who want to be friendly and chatty, hit them up and engage with them. Find them to be boring? You pretend to care, ask them a few follow-up questions (people love to talk about their interests) and then glance at your watch and say “ugh, I’m really sorry to interrupt, I’ve got to <attend this meeting>/<finish this report>/<insert whatever it is you have due here>”.
I forgot about that. Good catch.
Youtube comments can be strangely helpful here, sometimes. If there’s a lot of “akshually” comments on every video, it may be a sign the youtuber is full of it. Not always true, but anything helps. Can also look up the youtuber’s credentials as well.
I have a bluetooth controller with a phone mount on it. There’s a gadget for OP to explore!