I didn’t expect so many people in the comments expressing their nostalgia cause of my post, i think i opened up a whole box of people’s memories that are now unlocked because of my post LMAO
But yeah damn playing the game even back then sounds fun as hell lol, i always loved old as hell games since they always have this charm to it that i can’t explain… though ig it’s cause i have an interest in old stuff in general. I’ll probably install it and see if there’s anything left (i would imagine it’ll be either bots to keep the game to not feel lonely or it’ll be a small community keeping the game alive)
14 years ago… damn now i wonder what the community was like in it’s peak prime, whenever i visit empty servers or whatever and hell whenever i read old messages sent by players (whether it’s on forums or something), it always feels like i’m looking at an ancient relic and that’s actually something i always loved, especially when looking at old posts from a community that was once big.