So after the 3…2…1… No more happy new year. It is fuckfest25. I m in plx
So after the 3…2…1… No more happy new year. It is fuckfest25. I m in plx
We all fo…breeded with them to our kind
I got visit from saint nicolas. And i knew the truth at about 8. We did not have a coca cola commercial to celebrate 25/12. So for that one i do not have a age .
Atm Some kids here know it in 1st year off school ( not kindergarden ) so about 6/7. They talk so when the next year is there : about 90 % knows it. And the year after that it is not more expected to have believers in the klas.
Tick with the disease off lymm ?
Better now ?
Swine… Leech is more fitting imo
I mis those days to. Cleaner air, relax living,…
Don’t forget the 'noicemaking’one if there are choises to be made
Years ago they did not have those. The recent years that is a missing link in Teslas
Sounds good. Need to try.
That is id one off my favorites to do on a pizza
New info for me to
Need to go look that up. No id what that is
Never saw one in a store tnh. No clue how they taste
Sounds intriguing
Had a conversation for fun during lunch in school. What other fruit would tast good on a pizza…
Passionfruit, watermelon and Strawberry were the favorite ones to be tasted. Bad idee was kiwi, apple and cherrys.
It took me waaaay to long to understand that those flying soucers are the balls… And i saw the uterus kinda immediatly. Damn now i feel stupid.
Stupid joke we tell here.
Why are Dutchmen so big ? If the dike ( dam in this case ) breaks they are able to keep there head above the water.
Constans cayn rilly?
I seems to have that to. Also not knowing it was adhd… sounds possible