I don’t know anything about the tax evasion conviction. If it was serious, then sure, fuck him.
If you can’t even be bothered to read an article about it why should any weight be given to your opinion. The tax fraud was 1.4 million dollars and he actively lied on his returns to avoid payment. He effectively stole over a million dollars, fuck him and all tax cheats.
There is no “if,” he did cheat on his taxes for over a million dollars. Yes, go after all of them! The only reason Hunter got away for so long was because of who his dad is, so kind of karmic that it came back around for the same reason. Hunter received far more leniency for a long time for drugs, gun, and financial crimes due to his wealth and families influence and Joe Biden was instrumental in making sure poor people who do the same thing get punished harshly. Until it was HIS son, then all the excuses came out.
This article does not, but none of this is new. We have known about these crimes for years. You displayed absolutely zero curiosity about what crimes he did in your haste to whitewash Biden’s hypocrisy. We will not get better politicians or leaders until we demand it.
I do not care that Hunter was not a politician, though that never prevented him from getting paid off his family name and only avoided punishment for so long because of who his father is. I do not care why the charges come about, these rich fucks need to pay. Maybe if the Democrats were willing to see that the rich and powerful actually face consequences Trump and all these right wing grifters might have been dealt with before they came to power. But back when Trump and Kushner were donating to Democratic campaigns none of them managed to give a shit. We should strive for a higher standard of morality than Donald fucking Trump.