Anchorman 2. The first is such a great movie start to finish with so many legendary quotable lines. The second could never have compared to the original. Sticking with Will Ferrell, I really hope noone ever gets the idea to make a Step Brothers 2.
Anchorman 2. The first is such a great movie start to finish with so many legendary quotable lines. The second could never have compared to the original. Sticking with Will Ferrell, I really hope noone ever gets the idea to make a Step Brothers 2.
1337x is fine to use if you don’t plan to download .exe files like PC games
Agreed. Came into the comments to find out why this was worthwhile of a post and I still don’t understand.
I also have been using Jerboa since joining Lemmy and have not come across a single issue personally. I’m trying Sync now but I haven’t seen anything yet that sets it apart drastically from Jerboa so will probably stick with what I have been using.
Plex server is my recommendation. There is a Roku TV app and I have yet to come across a device that there isn’t a Plex app for. I have personally had no issues with my Plex server in the year+ I’ve been using it.
One of our cats does this but with both arms! Too cute
That is a freaking sweet seal for the Australian Government! Id wear that on a shirt
Nope fuck your car. You should be walking or biking all those miles duh
I cannot wait for the day a world leader fucks a pig on live TV!
Wow that art style is… something
After seeing this comic for the first time years ago I always try to keep it in mind when someone tells me they are just learning about something. We all learn similar things for the first time only at different parts of our lives and being able to be a part of helping someone learn something new is a great feeling.
Wax paper is non-stick so has a lot of different uses as long as you aren’t heating it up. For example you could put some down while you roll out cookie dough if you don’t want to clean flour off your countertop. Can use it to make decorations for your baked goods like chocolate strings or something similar. Drizzle the melted chocolate on the wax paper and once it cools and hardens it will come right off.