Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I refuse to comprehend why an admin override style panel is even needed for this. It’s one thing if its owned by the dealer, but if you have the title to your car, its unnecessary for your employees to need access to every customers vehicle past purchase. Once it’s been handed over, there is zero reason for a remote employee to be able to access your car remotely, paying for a service or not.

    This isn’t a third party gaining access to a customers account, this is a third party gaining access to a Subaru employees account, who for some reason can access an “admin panel” that has every Subaru car in it and the ability to remote control it. That’s insane.

  • Others have already said EoP but I wanted to bring another option to the table. If your house had Coax run in the rooms either for an antenna or cable and its no longer in use, you can use a MOCA adapter, which transmits Ethernet over coax. This method doesn’t have the flaw that the EoP method does where your throughput gets killed if its on a different circuit.

  • Yeah but it was more so talking about how when Democrats are in power it’s okay to criticize both Democrat and republicans, however once Republicans are in power you’re not allowed to criticize Republicans because the power stigma shifts.

    something that I’ve started noticing as of late as well. If you try to criticize the Republican Party you’ll be met with resistance, arguments and full shutdown leadin to personal attacks, where if you criticize the Democratic Party, they will still disagree with what you say but they’ll at least listen to you.

  • For myself, I love the fact that it’s clear that it’s not an actual game controller, however you can tell it is meant to be. This gives the first glance look at a community that is gaming related without defaulting to a specific platform.

    I would say that if the game controller icon gets changed it should keep that individuality, meaning that I wouldn’t recommend it become a picture of an actual controller or a diagram depicting an actual controller

  • This is becoming a reoccurring trait for pypi, this should be a red flag to the maintainers of the repo site that something is wrong with their publishing process. Granted NPM has the same issues but this trait seems to have become more common on pypi from what I’ve seen.

    Honestly what they should implement is a community based vetting process similar to a lot of art sites with their post tagging. Since most of these malicious packages are using the ideology that they want the user to accidentally install that one instead of the other, or that the package is an addon to a popular package. The implementation would be super simple. If the package name has at least 20% of another popular packages name(decided by the amount of installs it had), it flags it for manual vetting by the community. It would go into a dedicated spot on the site called “potential packages” or “pending packages” and if you are a known community member (have an established package already + not a new account) you can “ok” the package. Granted more than one ok would be needed but the ideology of this would be that commonly used tactics would be a hindrance or delayed by it.

    Using this for an example. Pycord is a known major discord bot development library, this malicious script takes advantage of that by calling itself pycord-self, which makes it seem like its a selfbot addition library for pycord. Since the name contains more than 20% of the word “pycord”, this process would have flagged the malicious script for manual vetting before published, which would have potentially caught the malicious intent beforehand.

    This method forces malicious actors to either use a really weird name, that might catch the eye of the user ahead of time/give red flags, or just find another way to distribute the package. Legitimate packages will be slightly delayed, but they would eventually be vetted and told “yea that good”.

    also note: I don’t mean that the package wouldn’t be available by direct name(pip install X), just that the name wouldn’t be available by searching the repo. If the project is installed via direct name and isn’t vetted yet an alert should be displayed saying “this project is not yet vetted by the community, would you like to continue” or something similar

  • my honest opinion on the whole matter, and this is as someone who really doesn’t care either way. You should give up on the community here. I don’t mean that in a mean way, I mean you chose to do a decision that was drastically unfavorable to the majority of the current community on this instance it seems.

    Regardless of intentions, your long past the turning point of being able to backtrack on your choice and re-enter the community just reading the comments here tells you that honestly your best bet is probably to just continue with your plan at this point, even if you did decide to unlock the community here it’s clear that you’ve lost all trust in the majority of the users that are still participating on this post, so they’ll just stay in the new community instead of returning.

    In the words of Kenny Rogers, You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away and know when to run.

    This is a clear “know when to run” instance. There is no favorable outcome for you on this community you won’t gain that trust back and there are far too many people still pissed about this issue, you are better off continuing the plan on LW and just let the people who didn’t agree with it stay on the new community they made (or unlock the old community but you have already been pretty solid on that one)

    Thats just my input as a lurking third party.

    edit: looks like my feed was outdated, I just got the unlocked post, I still stand firm on my opinion on it though.

    edit 2: shouldn’t have second guessed myself, guess I had the name right the first time lmao

  • I think a big reason is, people always think it’s an all or nothing migration. Personally I still have a windows install on my system from when I migrated. Sure I can count on one hand the number of times ive had to actually use it, nor have I had to at all in the past few months, but it’s there in case I needed it.

    I think people would be much more apt to do that, if they could realize that you can “try it” and if it doesn’t work then switch back again without much difficulty. Which most user friendly installs support dual booting, and the worse case scenario from it is that Windows decides to nuke the bootloader (which doesn’t happen as much anymore due to it changing to UEFI boot) and then at the end of the day, they still have the windows OS to fall on, and the linux OS still exists, it just doesn’t know its there which is a simple fix with just a google search and a boot repair disk (available on the same install medium that the original install was done with)

  • they got the picture really fast for me, as I ignored them intentionally until they tried something other than talking endlessly in my ear. “My headphones are noise cancelling I can’t hear you”

    then again I didn’t use them in communal areas unless I was getting a snack, and if I did thst I generally had pass through enabled, so my family would need to go into my room or den, and then try to talk to me.

    The amount of entitlement if they entered my room then bitched that I was ignoring them, they would get my attention and they defo wouldn’t want it anymore. I would have words lol

  • this is actually protocol at Walmart for exchanges. if you buy a game that is opened and try to return it you can’t return it, you can only exchange it. but since obviously you are getting a new game they open the seal for you to ensure that the person doesn’t just turn around and return it unopened in another store.

    I agree with it on exchanges. I don’t think it’s a good idea for actual new sales though, I would be more on board of just opened all video game merchandise by default and selling it full price as open box, but that also causes issues with the return process, as there is no proof the game wasn’t used, it would need to force the return policy to be a no return once purchase policy like how video game CVP’s are.

    Honestly the better option is just make it so video game merch is gift card only for returns. Receipt required + can only get it back as a gift card would be a better option, as they would then need to find a seller for the gift card to convert it to money, and at that point they would just use a different defrauding system.

    The downside of this is, it momentarily screws over people who accidentally buy the wrong game, or buy a duplicate game someone else got them, but they could just swap that game out for a new game (or anything else in the store) as an alternative. An option which is still far better than merchants who generally have a strict no return once bought policy.

    This is also assuming that the issue is at the store level with someone abusing the return system. This could 100% be someone at assembly level defrauding the cases, and there isn’t anything the store level can really do about that without screwing over legitimate customers with the return process.