Yeah I accidentally the whole thing. Good times
That reminds me of the time i accidentally 93MB of .rar files
We also drew dickibutt
Jfc so many people unable to count properly in this thread. Good job OP keep up the good work
Will it hurt baby top of his head?
Due to working in retail in general or was the night shift even worse than the day/evening shift?
Yeah and Blueland in the left. They think we’re fucking idiots
It just feels like in these cases both edges are somehow being pointed straight at you
I’m also a big fan of most things being closed on Sundays. It’s so much more peaceful outside. Good for the soul to not have 24/7 consumerism stuffed down your throat. I also don’t like that it’s always the people with the shittiest jobs/salaries who suffer because Karen needs chocolate croissants at 2 am
The sincere expression gets me 😃
Damn… Americans have their shit sorted. Still a long way to go globally, but this map is looking better and better every time I see it!
Isn’t cruelty against animals - specifically one self - a key part of the Linux learning journey?
Sleep’s one of the best free pleasures around. It’s free, it heals your body and mind, and just feels good.
I’ve fought a lot with insomnia in recent years and truly appreciate when I’m able to get a good night’s sleep. I’d rather have a bit shorter days, but feel much better due to being well rested whenever possible. How does sleeping make you feel guilty?
You go to settings -> filters & blocks
I too am as dumb as a fish apparently
I really hate that contemporary history has become so stupid that I can’t tell if gaykk rallies are a thing…