Probably semen, though.
Probably semen, though.
I have a nice widescreen monitor standing unused at my desk and I work sitting cross legged in my armchair with a laptop on my lap.
Mun verovaroilla tehdään paljon hölmömpiäkin asioita, en vastusta.
No kyllä se DRM esimerkiksi ennen kirjastojen käyttämän Ellibsin kanssa on toiminut jo vuosia. Ne oli epubeja mitä sieltä sai ulos.
Being 80 wouldn’t explain it. My 80+ aunt with severe arthritis (as in having had multiple surgeries on her feet and hands) managed two stairs up and down several times a day with no complaints. She considered it good excercise and saw it as one thing that keept her on her feet.
Exactly how much groceries do people have? I currently live two stairs up from the ground floor as I have lived for more than 15 years. It has honestly never even crossed my mind that carrying up groceries could ever be a problem.
Ai ihan samalla tapaa kuin pettivät myös Juha Sipilän hallituksen aikana? Persujen äänestäjiä se ei tuntunut haittaavan silloinkaan, tuskin haittaa nytkään.
To be honest I’m more worried because of Moscow than any robot dog.