The Bill guy, likes’m young. Fun guy, though.
-Trump, probably
The Bill guy, likes’m young. Fun guy, though.
-Trump, probably
Here’s for wishing
I just paid a lot for a complete set.
Thanks for letting me know these exist!
No it really isn’t a big number but it’s well above the average these mouth breathers. I mean this was the first year I had to dial back my retirement accounts while I’ve been maxing out the past 5 years. So I dump $15k into my retirement instead of $23k because a bix of cereal cost $7.
FYI, I worked for a food distributor and was in meeting where they were talking about jacking up the prices during covid. PPE and essential with 150% above buy. Got told to kick rocks along with the ethics. Reported to the SEC with the paper trails and all with nothing ever happening. So to the fucking idiots in the back it’s not inflation it’s straight up greed and companies pushing the line as far as possible.
I mean, I was raised by a single mother, constant poverty, sleeping in my car in my 20s, went to school in my 30s and tripled my income.
You missed the thing where I was part of the Democrat party trying to convince dipshits to vote for their interests. Now, the leopards will feed, and I’ll be fine.
I mean, my household income is $200k, I can liquidate, and buy citizenship for me and my wife to several countries. I tried but good luck to the dumb fucks that think capital gains tax will effect your $35k a year.
Cool, don’t need to buy a new phone. Corps squeezed and squeezed and learned about price elasticity this year and miraculously reduced prices a miniscule amount. I ain’t paying $15 for a Macdonalds burger and if they think we’ll pay $2k for a phone then they’re in for another shit year.
No more testosterone and bonner pills for the boomers.
While choking the life out of a puppy.
Sounds like he’s gun’n for a cabinet position.
Ooor, we create a well regulated militia with 15,000 new soldiers!
Don’t forget the blacks. The blacks will be jailed for being black and then they we have slavery with extra steps!
So we closing down Twatter and Reddit?
CIA if you’re listening
It aint gonna suck itself
Throws wine glass
What is Man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
womp womp