Obviously the solution is to ban sports and sports video games.
Obviously the solution is to ban sports and sports video games.
Counterpoint: I’ll put whatever I want in my spicy slop and the internet can be mad all it wants, beans are going in there.
I would argue that this data shows that this election result is what the American people want. They either didn’t mind it happening and didn’t vote against it, or they actively voted for it. Democracy in action. It just kinda really sucks that this is what you guys chose.
She didn’t do better in swing states tho, if that were true Trump wouldn’t have won in those swing states.
Look at the super fan over here carving the name of their favorite band into their couch.
The simpler way is hard. It requires parents to be present in the lives of their children.
I said nothing about who to vote for.
If they didn’t vote, they are either lazy, or don’t want their voice to be heard. Two thirds of your voting population didn’t vote. You get what you deserve, and the rest of the world gets to watch helplessly.
The 2/3rds of American adults that are disenfranchised without representation are the victims
Maybe those lazy fucks should have gone out and voted then.
You don’t actually think you’re getting another election in '28, do you? Because I don’t think you will.
I’m not giving the Chinese myth dragon “defence”. She’s not real. Full stop. It’s okay if you don’t like it
Dude, she isn’t real.
Fuck, I could go for some of that right now.
Biological males can also lactate, it just takes a lot more effort.
It’s not fine, but you’re free to spell how you like.
Why do you have to like either of them? They both sound like idiots.
And that was an actual remake, not just a 14 years late PC port.
I love this.
Where the fuck did I put my glasses? Lemme just put on these glasses to look for them.
Oh, right.
I’m not mad I just don’t trust the Devs of Star Citizen. I think their monetization as a whole reeks of a scam and I don’t understand why people defend it.
But if that were true, we couldn’t simply blame the [Insert outgroup here] for everything anymore!