Yep but in my case my motherboard is from 2013 that uses cpu sockets that haven’t been produced anymore
Yep but in my case my motherboard is from 2013 that uses cpu sockets that haven’t been produced anymore
Cant upgrade to 11, since my motherboard is too old. So reap what you sow, perhaps ?
Most of these companies are tech companies that offered services during covid, and now that covid is over the changes they did during covid is not profitable post covid
I have been using edge for more it’s bing chat engine to make the ai make my fetish materials
We saved a lot of money by changing out bolts and screws to zinc.
Now you’re aiming for numbers
I voted for without a doubt, which i though was gonna win the most innovative
That’s why it’s the role of the fbi to investigate any threats to officials
Hey they gotta keep up with this 200% growth for next year
Cause they found the exploit bug, and the admin is afk
It’s going to the cloud. Soon as we find a way to store data in water
Well, that’s all dandy with this new tech, but question is, is it economically feasible?
You can always find your own truth if you search deep enough
Or don’t act like Ubisoft where you make teams develop some mechanic for 6 to 24 months only to can it in the end.
But is it cost effective, the most reasons we don’t see many of these new materials is because it’s cost of producing outweighs the needs for it.
The Japanese on the other hand could perhaps learn about genocides of their own actions.
That’s because they are gonna succeed where others have failed, lunch their own game store /s