• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Wow. You have a severe issue with people who are presented some options and say: “No, thanks.”

    I have a civic duty that if I am not represented by a candidate, that I do not muster support behind that candidate. If a political party needs my support, it is their responsibility and not mine to attract the voters they claim to need.

    You can watch the constant sliding of Democrats toward the right and the vacillating popularity of fringe-left parties to know that the Democratic Party doesn’t give a damn about winning left-fringe voters. After Nader secured over 3 million votes in 2000, do you think the Democratic party learned a single lesson? Or did they just shit the bed all over again in 2004? Did Obama run on any of the 2000 Green Party’s positions?

    I’ll save you the effort: The Democratic Party opted to adopt 0 of the Green Party positions from the 2000 election.

    So tell me all about how voting Third-Party somehow sends a message.

  • When the Democratic party’s strategists have decided that “you definitely don’t want the other guy voted in” in place of literally any other strategy is their best option, please explain to me why anyone further left of your centrism should believe that the administration will take another vote cast for them as anything but approval of the job they’ve done so far and an endorsement of more of the same.

    On the flip side, to hold Biden himself accountable for the overreaction from University boards’ decisions on behalf of their corporate masters (donors, if that wasn’t clear), or responsible for the large number of Representatives and Senators making and voting for policy with their heads up their own or others’ asses, when he has been caught on the hot mic disparaging Netanyahu for how Israel is conducting itself is holding the wrong person accountable.

    I get where they’re coming from. I get it on a level you clearly don’t because you have proven time and again that you have little capacity to sympathize with those who are clearly tired of voting for the “least damaging option”. Take a break and let someone else debate with them, because the more you criticize the further you’ll solidify their position.

    Okay, dad?

  • While I’m so disaffected that I’ve had to have my fire rekindled to vote for the “least damaging option” yet again, and while I’ll be dragging my feet to the booth in November, I feel from key words in this conversation that their mastery of English is surprising to the point of suspect when I consider the errors they’re committing.

    I’d advise saving your energy for a less disingenuous conversation.

    Have a great day.