RoomAndBored [he/him, any]

hello weary traveller. please won’t you sit amd rest a while

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • We’re not talking coolaid here. We’re talking that the white man is never going to respect anyone who sells out. “I’m one of the cool ones” is the companion piece to a white guy’s “I have a black friend”.

    It may feel cool to shit on mainlanders and call President Xi ‘Xinnie the Pooh’, but all that slinging that shit around online really does is validate the very real and very racist swathes of the West who don’t discern a difference between people in Asia, or think that what’s acceptable to apply to a prominent Asian figure is acceptable to apply to all Asians.

    Case in point is Uncle Roger, who’s a Malaysian Chinese, but makes the same kind of XJP jokes that you see on Reddit. Didn’t stop him from getting smacked in the face by a racist dog on the streets of London.

  • G “China banned Winnie”

    R “No they didn’t and here’s evidence”

    G “Oh I’ll choose to ignore that”

    G “The USA doesn’t censor online political speech”

    R “Yes they do and here’s a directly relevant example to our discussion from the self proclaimed ‘front page of the internet’”

    G “Oh you’re just a shit posting community that doesn’t count”

    You completely cave from every point in the face of scrutiny. Do you have any shame? You retreat every time and just throw out another glib line. Thanks for the thought dulling discussions mate.

  • No. One movie didn’t receive screening approval. China limits import for screening of foreign films to 34 a year. I’m not talking Hollywood films, I’m talking all foreign films. The Christoper Robin movie in 2018 didn’t make the cut after it had a disappointing box office and critical reception in Western markets. The IP still remains popular in China because Winnie’s cute.

    Yes. The memes associating President Xi with Winnie are banned. You won’t find them on Weibo, for example, where they’ll be likely taken down. Weibo strictly monitors political discourse online and routinely removes content that is aggressively polarising, especially around major political events like the Two Sessions. This is partially at the behest of the government and partially a responsibility towards its userbase.

    Some provocative political content is monitored and censored, and we’ve always known that, however, Winnie is not, as you originally said. This is a bald faced orientalist lie and it shows how hollow it is, seeing how quickly you had to abandon it in the face of readily available English language evidence.