The indomitable human spirit.
Also known as “the ability to exist out of pure spite, because FUCK YOU I ain’t collapsing over THIS bullshit.”
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
The indomitable human spirit.
Also known as “the ability to exist out of pure spite, because FUCK YOU I ain’t collapsing over THIS bullshit.”
Nothing says “we are a free and open community that welcomes others” like moderators banning discussion of poor moderation.
Yes, I do understand what the rule is there for. No that doesn’t make it any less hilariously shitty.
Armada and Armada 2.
I really like RTS games.
It’s not owned by me, but it’s tended by me for now. I also am tending to my parents yard this summer, and trying to transplant clover around their yard. Sofar the patches are still green but it’s not quite growing time yet to see how well it’ll take hold.
My parents outsource their Lawncare to me, and I have been taking the huge patch of clover near a corn field and transplanting it around their yard. Just cutting a shovel ful of dirt out and swapping them, and watering the area.
No idea if it’ll work the way I want it to, but I guess I’ll see if it spreads this summer.
I’d love to go to my in-laws and use a big seed spreader to throw clover and other native plants around, but that would just lead to them killing it all and hiring a lawn company to replant Kentucky bluegrass or something lame like that.
I keep telling people to let clover grow, and half the stuff that’s supposedly bad for their lawn is actually good for a healthy patch of dirt but someone invented a problem so they could sell the solution.
I’ve actually had landscaping people knock on my door and explain that half my lawn is weeds and they can take care of it for me on a 6 month contract or whatever bs…
Like Bruh my lawn is carefully cultivated to grow all natural native plants, specifically with the intent of boosting local insect and pollinator activity, there’s a reason this half-are is the only place you see butterflies.
I’m not about to let some punk in headphones and a “Lastname Lawncare” t-shirt flatten all of this to 1/2in of plain green uniform grass. That’s boring as shit. And bad for the environment. And boring. as. shit.
Didn’t we have security leaks during his first term too?
Dude straight up stole classified documents, “LOST” (sold) a bunch while foreign nationals were occupying nearby rooms, then lied about it, then tried to hide it, then lied about trying to hide it. Then tried to hand wave it all by saying he prayed declared thought about them being declassified and therefore perfectly legal to do the things he didn’t do.
To name a single instance.
I’d say 50/50 because she’s a woman and a Democrat.
Good thing she never wore a tan suit or used the wrong mustard, then Republicans would have done something drastic like storm the Capitol building!
A large portion of the world believes in various deities who “love us” so much they will condemn us to literal eternal torture if we don’t believe hard enough and do what their books say.
This isn’t that far-fetched.
When someone informs him it’s named after a person he will demand that this domestic terrorist be brought in for impeachment and deported, not understanding why none of that makes sense
So give up, just don’t do anything!
I know those weren’t your literal words, but that’s the sentiment.
It’s the only thing you can do at this point if you gave them your DNA, and it harms nobody to try.
Listing all the reasons not to bother just seems a bit pointless to me. Especially since they had no real reason to honor the request before.
Slightly harder to get in and out undetected, but the targets sure are a lot bigger.
I want to believe
Someone IN MY STATE decided just the THOUGHT of his neighbor voting Democrat was enough to execute the neighbor while he mowed the lawn.
Anecdotally, I’ve seen firsthand the fights and beatings and fucking arson from the MAGAt crowd over the last decade over clothing or hairstyle or bumper stickers at the grocery store to ever listen to dipshits like this.
A few years ago I purged my face book profile with a script that edited every post with lorem ipsum, and then deleted the content.
It was embarrassing seeing posts from 10-15 years ago. Jesus christ I was an idiot. I still am, but I was then too. (thanks mitch)
In 2022 I did the same to my reddit account.
Same reaction.
Although it was interesting to see my comments go backwards from “burn the system to the ground” to “we need to make a compromise and reach across the aisle” and then from “all religions should be allowed to die” to “Yay Jesus”
Like I said, I was a big dum
Oh god I would hate to see my YouTube comment history from my first account…
Anything else would simply be improper!
God damn almighty these people are fucking stupid.
You know, I was about to go on about how they aren’t stupid, they’re cowards, because they fully know what you say is true, but they are too scared to say things out loud because then they’d be a target, OR because they believe in “the moral high road” and “believe the best in people” to a fault and “it wouldn’t be proper!” to call a nazi… You know… a nazi.
But then I realized all of that, while possible, is still insanely fucking stupid
So I guess my point is “yeah, and giant fucking cowards to boot”
It’s great that a convicted felon who absolutely committed treason by sharing classified documents with foreign nationals is allowed to decide OTHER people can’t be trusted with information.
These guys need to decorate their walls with a small caliber paintbrush
Reposts get old and seeing the same joke with 8 meme formats that are all basically the same “drake meme/pooh meme/geordi meme” style gets old even quicker unless you can put some kind of spin on it to make it fresh.
My biggest gripe with the fediverse is seeing the exact same post in 15 different communities over the course of 2-3 days. But if that’s the price of the fediverse, I’m fine paying it. Sometimes the discussions in the comments get WAY different.
And of course since it’s still fairly small compared to other sites, and there are always more people coming in, the amount of people who have seen that thing posted for the first time is still pretty high.
I have to keep reminding myself that not everyone has as many pockets of downtime as I do, so while I’m on for about 5-20 minutes at a time, I get on many times over the day so I see most posts during my waking hours. So just because I’ve seen this “I sleep/ real shit” meme 8 times this week, hundreds of people are seeing it for the first time. And even if I’ve seen “this country leader did a CRAZY THING! How messed up is that!” every single day, some people didn’t get on yesterday to see it and probably don’t feel like commenting on posts a day old is accepted (I say comment on old posts all day of you want, I’ve had tons of forum discussions in posts that are years old)
I ramble a lot, sorry. But my point is “reposts and rehashed discussions get annoying but they’re a price of the fediverse and new members and more people could comment on old posts instead of making new ones”
Hi, gender is a spectrum and while I fully identify as male and straight*, I had long hair as a child. If my school had tried to cut my hair by force, I would have absolutely thrown hands, and I was not a small child. Apparently I pushed a teacher into a wall as a first grader but I have no memory of doing so.
Hair is not “gender conforming” unless you’re the most vanilla, thinks-flour-is-spicy, “mayonnaise has too much flavor” basic bitch in the universe. If you really think hair has two genders “long and short” then you are just the saddest sack of shit.
Hair is whatever the fuck you want it to be. I decided I didn’t want long hair anymore, so I started getting it cut short. I even had it around 1/4in at one point just because of how easy it was to be done with. Now it’s long because before I got married, my now-wife said she liked when it was longer, so I’m growing it out again until we decide it’s long enough or I get tired of it again. If I wanted to shave most of it right now, I can do that. Nobody controls my hair but me, and nobody has any say in how I keep it, short of safety concerns. (protip: hair ties and a hair net when working with rotary tools, once you’ve seen a video you never want it to happen to you)
Get the fuck out of here with this weak ass bullshit policing children’s hair.
They won’t be happy until everyone is a straight white silent and obedient clone of each other.
*It’s a spectrum, sometimes I want to feel pretty so if you had to stick me in a hole I’d say I’m straight but I’m sure someone could make a convincing argument that I’m at least a little fluid.
See, he ASSUMES there’s “no way to win” and that this judge will always, regardless of anything else, strike down things because they’re “against republicans/trump/whoever”
Because that’s exactly what they would do, are doing, plan to do in the future, and can’t imagine a world where someone else isn’t just as shitty as they are.
Projection. Insecurity.
I mean, there’s no way to win, but that’s because this is one of those things that can’t be ignored and absolutely should result in consequences. I’m not hopeful that real consequences will be had though.