Fine both the parent and the social media company for every offense.
Fine both the parent and the social media company for every offense.
Season 1 is all about having to spend time away from reading trying to convince a vampire to turn her. Season 2 is figuring out that there are a lot of time that she has to spend to sustain herself as a vampire that takes away from time spent reading. Season 3 is figuring out that she doesn’t actually like reading any more.
They are called managers not ghost engineers.
Tbf the middle photo is a bit of a paralysis demon.
Horse people?
What leads you to believe this?
If you had transition surgery and therefor you couldn’t make use of a urinal, could you make the argument that the bathrooms are not fair and equal for you and therefor unconstitutional?
Are they also banning transgender men from male bathrooms?
Hur dur us invading a country unprovoked isn’t to blame.
Still better than Disney!
So he wants to increase the work done in the central government, therefor increasing spending and therfore taxes?
Edit: /s
If literally everyone is forced to vote things actually lean more left. The way you force people to vote though can affected different socioeconomic groups differently so can have a wide range of effects.
Will they though?
He is already a felon do you think he or his constituents care?
Yeah if it was at a comedy show I would kind of be ok with it but it did not come off as comedy at this event.
I do concede that I am probably not the usual. But it’s probably at least worth a try.
Completely anecdotal but…
I found a lot of happiness in my my hobbies. Rock climbing has been just perfect for me.
I found my wife on tinder, so maybe give that a try.
Faithless electors have happened a couple times historically.
I think you miss the point. One person doing something bad does not make the bad actions of another suddenly better.