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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • They don’t. Nearly everything that you buy has a unique serial number, and if consumers are buying direct from manufacturers it could, in theory, link a consumer to a serial number. It’s unlikely that they could make those connections, though. Peak sells direct, but they also sell through 3rd party stores and distributors, where there is an abstraction between the serials and consumers.

  • Yo, that’s still a violation of CANSPAM, and you might as well report them while we still have an FTC/FCC. After the new admin takes office… well… but theres still a month left before then.

    If their communication contains anything transactional it’s a violation. Notifying unsubscribed users of a TOS change? Legal. That communication mentions anything about products or promotions? No longer legal.

  • I am no expert, but I have used Python in a professional environment, and helped on board a Python newbie to build out his first project.

    It would be helpful to know what your environment looks like (what OS you are running, Python version, terminal interface – are you running cmd, powershell, terminal) and which steps prompts the reported error messages.

    Starting from the first time running Python using a Windows computer, the first steps should be

    Launch Powershell as admin and type in the following commands:

    set-executionpolicy remotesigned

    winget install python

    mkdir python

    cd python

    python -m venv scraper


    Following that you should be able to use pip to install more modules or packages. I have Visual Studio Code as my IDE, and that means from there I can also run code to open the text editor to write whatever code I intend to run. Be sure to save it to C:\Users\youruseraccount\python If your scripts are saved to that folder, you can run them from powershell by just typing in their filename. Any time you run scripts, open powershell and type cd python and then .\scraper\Scripts\activate Hit enter, then type in the name of the script you want to run.

    This information dump is not the most detailed, but it should get you to the point that you can run your scripts.

  • Bartiromo asked Trump whether he was “expecting chaos on Election Day” if “you win.” “Trump suggests he’ll use the military on ‘the enemy from within’ the U.S. if he’s reelected,” said the PBS headline over an Associated Press story. That one does not even superficially make sense, since Trump would not yet be president in Bartiromo’s scenario.

    So this guy says “I’m going to order the military to attack American citizens if I’m reelected” and Reason is out here saying that headlines expressing concern about using the military for political revenge are fake news because this interviewer asked what he’d do on Election Day? He literally said that he would send the military after “the enemy within” in response to her question. Reason out here lying about the context of his answer because the senile old fascist can’t wait until inauguration to get his hands on the military. Probably would be good for the MBFC to re-evaluate Reason’s factuality rating.

  • Democrats did this by not codifying

    This kind of gaslighting should not be tolerated. Everyone take a moment and block that troll.

    That’s like saying that the burgler that bypassed your locks by smashing a window is fully justified because you didn’t put cages over the glass. Reproductive rights were protected by 50 years of precedent. Roe was established case law for decades and was overturned by a court that rejected how the judicial branch was working and has worked for centuries by ignoring precedent, accepting a case on weak standing to challenge it, and arguing that the established case law was wrong on shakey arguments.

    Don’t let right-wing nuts lie to you about objective reality.

  • I think the Zelda Oracle games were pretty rad. Easy games to play, and for the truly committed you had cross progression between the two games to complete quests across Seasons and Ages. The two games had completely different maps and dungeons to explore with different items in each. They were a dual release that weren’t just the same maps with slightly reshuffled enemies like the Pokémon games were. I remember trading my copy of Seasons to my friend for his copy of Ages and then checking in with each other to see where we were and if either of us had discovered any secrets that we hadn’t found in our respective playthrough.

  • This probably one of those fake job postings I heard about.

    I would be willing to bet that it is a Ghost Job. I sympathize with that struggle. I’m sure I have applied to a couple of those recently, too.

    I found that many ghost jobs stay up for a while, so what I started doing to find leads was utilize search engine operators to find recent postings. Something like: (site:greenhouse.io | site:workday.com) after:2024-07-24 "system admin" That should find “system admin” jobs posted on workday and greenhouse, commonly used as internal job boards, posted in the last couple of days.

    You could even add more job boards to the list by using site: between the parenthesis and separated with bars to expand your search. Or you could change the after statement to today to find very fresh jobs to try to find posts less than 24 hours old and be among the first applicants.

    That trick (or maybe just my persistence with an overwhelming portion of luck, idk) managed to eventually get me something new, so I’m hopeful it wasn’t a fluke and it can help someone else, too.

    Best of luck.

  • Historically, that would be true, but this SCOTUS is wild. Standing doesn’t mean much anymore. Take, for example, the recent ruling from the anti-lgbt web developer in the 303 Creative v Elenis decision. Smith had not started a business at the time the original suit was filed, and, after she had begun operating, shr did not have any requests to make such a wedding site as described in the suit. During an appeal, she provided a false request – for a man already married to a woman – as her standing. Her standing was obviously bullshit; she had none.

    Not that it really helps. Our current SCOTUS will certainly not agree to hear a case that could actually benefit us and defend our civil rights. We should probably start fresh with a new SCOTUS if we want any of that.