Just starting on gaming, I got this yesterday. Why is it special?
Just starting on gaming, I got this yesterday. Why is it special?
I fixed it, but before you congratulate me just know that I dont know how and I dont know how to share a log
Hey thanks, it is a lot of fun but I cant explain why tinkering with basic shit makes me happy when I could get windows to do this stuff easier. I hate those guys but I feel like I spent ages setting the channels on a car radio and my brain relessed the dopamine as if I educated myself to be a mechanic
Yes, I swapped to a US one when I saw a game was marked as US. I thought that kicked it off so I reset to the default swttings and selected the bios folder again
I got the flatpak initially, I realised it was a few releases behind current and got the appimage direct. For whatever reason, the flatpak version is now current in my manager.
Another oddity, opening in steam blocked my dualsense from being recognised by pcsx2 despite steam seeing it and pcsx2 seeing it when launched directly or through cartridge.
Okay so uninstalling and then pressing the shortcut opened it meaning it wasnt gone. This confused me. So just deleting the directory is how you uninstall?
I got it back working, I left it hang for ages beyond the forcr quit prompt ans it started.
It worked well, it just had the capacity to upscale when the tech made it.
Like having one car and owning a two car garage, it doesnt not work but it does give you options.
Suggest one of them too
I was on board with MK since trilogy, the ps2 era was the best for pushing the envelope and now I expect more from them. I want to play the chess game, the karting, create a fighter, actual story konquest. The works.
The lean into online sucks too
Subscribable block lists… I’m making an account.
I joined Mastodon and it sucked, I didnt know where I was or what the significance of it was. Not a fan, lemmy is similar but seems to have less compartmentalisation relative to youe server.
Its a shit feeling tbh, I feel the whole industry is sliding in the wrong direction.
I turned on Hitman the other day and midway through a playthrough I got booted for loss of connection. It is a single player game. Finding it harder and harder to have a positive enough view to purchase games.
Oh man same for ps5, major let down. I let my psn lapse and I am just playing mostly games that were available on ps4, except now I have a shittier looking homescreen.
Still kills that I have a 1gb/s internet and a great TV but the playstation store shows ads in 120p.
Get better content.
Yeah fuck google but lets not let the “leaders of the free world Ltd.” Off the hook. It is this way because of piss poor people governing to a piss poor standard and a people frothing at the kouth about the toilets.
What is the significance of the singing?
Upsticks and leave. Whereever you are you can probaly go and do wha you do somewhere else. I would pick a whole other country, you could pick ones that align with your interests like philosophy and cooking - places where there is history or active communities in those spaces.
As for making friends, join clubs. Start running, playing board games, cold water swimmimg, etc.
If you are looking for purpose and you don’t mecessarily care about money you could make a huge impact in charitable works. If you don’t like human contact you could volunteer with animals.
You are at a crossroads in that you feel jilted and stuck but in reality you have nothing keeping you in one place. If you save 70% of your earnings for multiple years you are in a position to just stop working while you figure it out. You are in a position to take a pay cut and find something you enjoy.
I know a few people who were in similar spots and one became a data analyst for a charity - less hours and he can see changes being made by his hand - and the other travels to meet the elderly to record and archive their memories for posterity.
You could do absolutely anything.
Less steps specifically, if it gives you all sources with one search which you ten confirm. Instead of finding individually.
All windows PCs have spyware on them by definition
Yeah its not none but it is low. They did a great job making the ps4 and dualshock 4 feel lesser comparatively.