Could just be a bribe in disguise, albeit maybe an unplanned one.
I’ve seen it many times here.
How many of their own brothers and sisters in the forces have had medical claims denied? How many of them live in pain because their pain medication was deemed a “lifestyle choice” instead of a necessity? This kind of injustice permeates everything, every walk of life that can’t afford healthcare by themselves.
Even aspirational, I can’t remember the last time I was in nature and at peace.
Harris, like Hillary, was put forward without the express will of the people - she didn’t win a primary over Biden, because there was no primary elections.
By the rules the catholic church also needs one (or many) testimonies from the faithful that their prayers were answered specifically when they prayed for Luigi to intercede on their behalf.
No, actually because they’re hoping the assaulter will pass the bat once they get tired
They paid one man to go to California and condemn it and another man to go to florida and condemn it. See, broadly condemned.
You just can’t get the same calibre of mouth-shitting instagram whores anywhere else.
This is only applicable to people who have a wide variety of choices to pick from - if you ca only choose Dubai because your parents worked there as expats then you’re probably in the clear.
Islamophobic? Nah. Naive, hell yeah. You should watch what you do like a hawk when you’re going to places like Dubai. Have a good understanding of what is legal and what isn’t, like eating outside during Ramadan - this can get you actual jailtime instead of a fine or a slap on the wrist like you’d expect.
Pff, peasant, sending your children off to some far ofd shithole. Shell out some real money and I’m pretty sure you can find some human hunting grounds within the U S of A. Turn it into family bonding time like a good father.
Because you touched your wee wee
Are you also not supposed to urinate on jellyfish stings then?
It’s been a meme for a while I think. If I had to guess I’d say it started with some Tumblr thread. Obviously not entirely suitable for normal-speak, which is why it’s on lemmy instead of a workplace slack channel.
Did you mean Robin Williams, brloved comic and actor?
If I was to find my wife way earlier, wouldn’t that alter the possibility of us ending up together?