This is a good definition of smart. Agreed.
This is a good definition of smart. Agreed.
Smart people can be and often are racist and sexist too. They are better at justifying it too. Scientific racism is an existing pseudoscience.
It sounds good, but I’m not willing to give up Wayland features for it. I’ll just have to keep my fingers crossed for Wayland support further down the road.
How well does it work and how much customisation do you need to do to keep things parallel to Mac shortcuts?
Oh really? I’ve been thinking about making a move to Pop. I’m waiting until at least the next LTS is out though.
If you could set them system wide, that’d be a dream
Minirig mini 2.👌
This is clearly sarcasm. I assume the down votes are actually in favour of climate change?
Don’t be such a drag man. Enlightenment comes from acceptance.
Too late for that. There are some spectacular images of Trump as the king fascist emperor of man out there with no hint of irony. It’s quite something to see how much people don’t get it.
Oh no. I didn’t need to know about the Svalboard. I thought I’d got to endgame with the Glove80. 😬
I’ve been waiting a long time for Titan Fall 3. That’s what you mean right? It couldn’t be anything else could it? Definitely not.
I mean that’s what it asks me 😆
Why does a demon need a moustache?
The first game I played that really wanted to talk about racism and it decided to spend it’s time saying is “black people can be bad too”. I didn’t think much of it then and I don’t now.
I fuckin love that film though. The Rock’s best performance. The brief moment of transphobia can fuck right off though.
Fair point. I stand corrected