He looks just likd Coach Beard from Ted Lasso!
He looks just likd Coach Beard from Ted Lasso!
It’s complicated, but in a nutshell, their users have faced discrimination and unpleasant communication from some of the other instances, hence they decided to wall themselves in (it’s a very inclusive community, so it’s a bit ironic)
Aika nihkeä kuva kaverista on kyllä piirtynyt viimeisen parin vuoden aikana, harmillista että päättäjien joukossa on tollasia asenteita ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I want to be like you when I’m 60!
The guy must be on some serious copium rx with all things going down
Holy shit dude, I was not expecting to be blown away by your super smooth app! This will give Memmy a run for its money…
I have a few remarks, tapping on the “comments” section in my profile does not render them properly!
The themes and app icons are awesome!
While I can use the stock CC slider for font size, it would be nice to have in Bean settings, especially since fonts are in one of the logos inside settings 😄
Tsemppihalit sinne pojille, ei oo näyttänyt olevan helppoa tuo ryssien ajaminen pois… toisaalta ne viimeaikojen kehitykset Krimillä vaikuttaa lupaavalta, mahtaa Vladja-setää vituttaa kun pitää rakentaa siltaa uusiks n. puolen vuoden välein!
Ya’ll should just VPN to Argentina and get the sub for cheap, it’s a few bucks per month compared to the obnoxious 13.99.
I pay around 2€ for mine per month plus the VPN fees, it’s a no-brainer
Now we just have to drive them out of Åland/Ahvenanmaa
I don’t know why you are being downvoted, it’s not like Dunning-Krueger doesn’t exist
I’m just curious; why is it a web app and not something you can download? The black bar in the bottom of the screen makes it feel weird, also the fact that upvote/downvote colors are reversed. Other than that, it soothens my withdrawals from Apollo, and I think I’ll be using it a fair amount alongside Memmy (which feels nice, it’s not a 100% carbon copy, but familiar)
Good bot