Thanks! Really jonesing for some Morrowind or obkivion but my deck lives in a dock next to my TV so I’m not sure how comfortable either game will be with a wireless controller versus holding the deck.
Thanks! Really jonesing for some Morrowind or obkivion but my deck lives in a dock next to my TV so I’m not sure how comfortable either game will be with a wireless controller versus holding the deck.
Are you using the controller to play it, or a mouse and keyboard?
This is my go to teams response when I told someone what was going to happen if they didn’t listen to me, then it happens and they come back to me to complain or ask for advice.
I mean the first sentence answered the question. It was available for a limited time due to 35th anniversary. It’s a dumb reason but the answer is right there.
Definitely. And play control if you want to get some extra references. I’m playing right now and this game is constantly putting a smile on my face. It’s great.
That’s the thing right? Like if Apple/ Tim didn’t, they would be an early Republican target. 1million to hope to keep Trump off your back for a few years is probably worth it.
Interesting I just saw another handheld Linux device on YouTube earlier today that is launching soon. Namely the Pilet. I’m kinda interested in something like this. Though I’m not sure for what.
Thanks for the article, cool read!
My only concern with this law, is that what happens when USBC is no longer the best option. Idk how to express what I’m saying but what if USB-G ends up being 1000x as fast. Does this law allow for chargers to evolve and if so, how? I admit I haven’t looked into this but I’ve been wondering about it.
I’m 99% wireless these days so I wouldn’t be surprised if chorded chargers are largely on their way out, but I’m still curious.
I went from an iPhone X to a 15pro and didn’t see my bill increase. Are you sure they aren’t quoting for you to finance the phone through them?
True Americans know this.
It’s the thing the people who are CEOs don’t want us to think about. It’s not leftists, tankies, fascists, conservatives against each other. It’s them against everyone else.
Invisible War is fine. It doesn’t live up to the orginal but it’s still a good game.
Yeah, and they were horribly boring. Way to long and way to much to unlock.
It was way to expensive and came out way to close to the original game. The characters should be dramatically cheaper and the season pass should include them and story content. WB also was charging for fatalities. The game was honestly great but the monitization and FoMo monthly seasons caused me to give up on it.
I’ve always believed if a full time employee is collecting benefits the company they work for should be charged 110% of what ever they receive.
Thanks for appreciating my humor.
Honestly it sounds more like he went in with a preconceived notion, received data that verified his preconceived notion was incorrect, and then told everyone his preconceived notion seemed correct.
Hey would you recommend becoming a therapist?
Yea for the original Xbox, however neither PC version has those supports built in. And the mods seem to be a mediocre experience in comparison, I may just buy the Xbox/360 versions of Morrowind and Oblivion to play comfortably.