And I thought I had a bad day today.
And I thought I had a bad day today.
It’s true, I’m so sorry to say.
I read the article, hit reply and almost started with the standard ‘Redditesque’ response, you know expletives and insults and whatnot; but I can’t.
I’m simply too exhausted by the behavior and performance of my country’s government. Exhausted by my neighbours who continually vote for this political party despite what it has done to my country. The absolute gall of this cabinet to announce this act, when there is no longer anything to act against.
People way say ‘but the weapons and training’ and yes, they were (and remain) essential. I honestly believe Ben Wallace to be a decent and principled man and that he acted from a sense of what was needed for Ukraine, not what was good for his career but, it is easy to arm an ally when the world opposes your enemy.
Sanctioning Wargner while it was active,with an active leadership was not so easy it seems.
Steel not flesh; front-line equipment did its job and, if the crew survived, did its job well.
Instapaper? Is this some new magic I’ve not heard of?
Yup jumped into the BBC soon as I saw the thread, seems to be the case; guess we know what air defense doing.
Yup, plus passata and puree. No such things as a tomato glut.
You’re going to hear a lot of people saying how straight forward Windows is install; I’m avoiding W11 so have my W10 anecdote.
The only way I’ve ever been able to install W10 is to disconnect every single peripheral except m/kb and one single drive.
Anything else over the years, be it different mobos, HDD,SSD m.2 thingies it’s always been the same; anything more than m/kb and one single disk W10 shits the bed.
If you’re still struggling, try that.
Very very very little indication they would be better, and I’m very left of center in politics.
Starmer is very suss as far as I’m concerned, I’m not at all comfortable with his purges…if he gets in, we’ll see.
All good choices, but seeing no love for KDE Connect?
Yup same here. Two profiles, one is my daily driver and open source, they other is for the few apps I need with Google services. This is the perfect compromise between what I want, and what I need.
Used to be worse, to quote messers Pratchett & Gaimon.
It helps to understand the antique finances of the Witchfinder Army if you know the original British monetary system
Two farthings = One Ha’penny. Two ha’pennies = One Penny. Three pennies = A Thrupenny Bit. Two Thrupences = A Sixpence. Two Sixpences = One Shilling, or Bob. Two Bob = A Florin. One Florin and One Sixpence = Half a Crown. Four Half Crowns = Ten Bob Note. Two Ten Bob Notes = One Pound (or 240 pennies). Once Pound and One Shilling = One Guinea.
The British resisted decimalized currency for a long time because they thought it was too complicated."
Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
I’ll admit it, didn’t pay attention to the group, spent the last minute looking for a bee on a stick.
Lovely cat. Disappointed in me. Sad no bee on stick.
Rammstein/Lady Gaga mashup of Telephone.
Why does it work?