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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • She was still in the dark until the moment she gave birth and her baby girl was immediately taken away, said Harrison Stark, senior staff attorney at the ACLU. She had no idea that while she was in labor, hospital officials were relaying updates to the state — including details of her cervix dilation — and had won temporary custody of the fetus. At one point, the state sought a court order forcing the woman to undergo a cesarean section

    That part is messed up, someone should know about losing custody long before it happens, I could believe maybe there’s some justification about the unborn child being harmed if the mom knew?

    But it doesn’t seem weird to me for there to be a list of pregnant people they want to keep their eyes on. I have a co-worker who was visited by an agency before their first kid was born to check out his house and they made some recommendations. The reason he was on their radar is as a kid they had to intervene with his parents, so they wanted to be sure the cycle was broken. He’s a great dad to 3 kids now and no issues, they’re just doing their job

    To me it makes total sense for them to identify and track potential problem parents

  • The overhead running a legit business is unreal.

    My general advice is don’t use post mix concrete, use regular stone mix and backfill immediately. The backfilled dirt will hold it in place and slow the cure, giving you hours to go back and tweak as you go. That rapid post makes no sense, there’s no urgency in the setting phase, that’s the opposite of what you want.

    And remember, if you do a good job it can last 20+ years, so don’t be lazy and take a shortcut because it’s “good enough”. You’re better spending $300 on a rental machine to dig the holes than to set a post that isn’t deep enough. I’m in Canada where frost can be hell, my posts go 4’ down and usually 5 bags concrete per post, then another 3 bags down the post once it’s all assembled. Your 40’ fence I could easily put in 50 bags. Don’t base your shopping list on that, but know that if you care about longevity it takes patience and hard work, like anything else in life

  • My time to shine. I own a company that does fences, we specialize in custom vinyl. Obviously this varies by region, but I’ll price vinyl $95-130/ft, and $300 per gate. Depending on if I liked you, what I knew about the soil, travel time to your job, I’d probably come in around $5300, installed

    It might sound insane, but my 4 man crew costs about $1100/day to keep on the road. 40’ in bad conditions is 2 days minimum, can easily spill into 3. My materials would be around $1500, so worst case I’m netting in $500 for 3 days of work, which is damn near unsustainable considering the amount of machinery I’ve got in play

  • Debt collectors. The businesses took the risk when they loaned money or provided some kind of service on credit.

    I don’t use debt collectors any more, but I have a construction company and a few times a year people just decide not to pay for their work. If someone really truly refuses to pay I could take them to small claims court, and I have, but it’s a ton of work and lawyers won’t bother with anything under 10k. I’ve literally had a judge say “so petty” about me taking someone through small claims for a $1200 they’d been dodging for years So some jerk can stiff me for $1500 and I have basically no recourse. I’m not talking about some impoverished person who I took advantage of, these are people with nice homes who make a habit of not paying bills. I’ll work with people who are short on cash and honest.

    Even though debt collectors are 0/3 in the times I’ve used them, it’s at least something to fire off a final ‘fuck you and your credit’

  • I put up a job posting for my construction company last year and I had applicants from all over the world. Probably 60% from my city, 20% from my province but nowhere near me, and 20% from other countries.

    I wouldn’t want or expect anyone to move for this job, let alone from the other side of the world. I manually rejected people who were too far away, but I can definitely understand wanting to filter out people based on their home address