Trump’s just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and to distract from stuff he is actually doing. Like removing people from powerful positions that could do something against him becoming a dictator.
Trump’s just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and to distract from stuff he is actually doing. Like removing people from powerful positions that could do something against him becoming a dictator.
That headline gave me an aneurysm
“In two months time we will have pressed Hitler so hard into a corner, that he will squeak!” - Franz von Papen (Centre party) 1933 In “The last Resort. About the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor”
Hawks eat meat cause they have to. WE eat meat cause it’s delicious. The Hawks dies if there are too many Hawks in one feeding ground. The human fucks up his and everyone elses Habitat for centurys cause he’s too lazy to change.
Is this racist or am I not getting something?
Beeing outside in the dark. Not in the streetlamp dark but the forest dark. If you can’t see anything then nothing can see you. It’s like a blanket that covers everyones eyes.
Eh, they do report on the school shootings though?
World politics would become more complicated. This could lead to more wars and nationalism
Mexiko and Canada would have a bigger coastline
Probably last year. It’s the year thats most relevant to today. I’d like to see what Putin has for breakfast and what Biden does to relax. Also easy social security fraud
You can certainly call Trump a neonazi. I agree with that. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t think his ideology a good enough fit for all the ideas that Neo-Nazi means (e.g. the afformentioned master race habitat expansion) so it can sound like accusing him of ideas he doesn’t have.
Also I assume you are missing some facts. So let me give you those.
Concentration Camps are not the same as Death Camps. Both are horrible but creating a system to efficiently deport immigrants and creating a system to efficiently murder immigrants are two very different things.
The Kristallnacht happened in 1938. all over Germany a couple hundred jews were killed by the joint effort of NSDAP groups and german civilians. 1400 jewish religious sites were destroyed. All in a few days. The Nuremberg Laws were passed in even earlier in 1935. They wrote into law that Jews and their descendants weren’t part of the german people. That was the justification to illegalise Jewish and non Jewish marriagees.
I used DuckDuckGo AI yesterday for the first time to help me debug some python code. I had been staring at my code for an hour without success before and it was instantly able to tell me I forgot a comma in a list. I don’t want to use ChatGPT directly for privacy reasons so it was a huge help.
Do not dillute the term Nazi. Trump isn’t Hitler and there are no plans by any US government to seize foreign land as a habitat for the US master race. They’re fascists but not Nazis.
You also forgot to mention racism.
Realy? Has Animal Crossing lied to us?
You habe to read it while laying in your back
Do you all have a plan what you will do when they ban access to Lemmy?